Writing tagged Misc
Emails to RSS feed
How to receive emails as items in an RSS feed using Zapier.
On Jenn Schiffer’s pieces on Medium, and people getting or not getting satire, and why Medium’s good for it.
I quite like reading and writing things on Quora.
Some 2013 conference talks to watch
A selection of apparently really good talks from this year.
I made a big-screen Twitter client devoted to showing Tweets from the UK and US governments and security forces because the Tweets seem scary.
Ask About Going Home
About a Tumblr I knocked up to highlight the absurdity of the UK Border Agency’s and Home Office’s anti-illegal-immigration campaigns.
Digital pianos
Some of what I’ve learned about the digital piano market. Also, how it compares to digital cameras.
Our Incredible Journey
About my new site, chronicling what often happens when an internet start-up is purchased by a larger company.
It’s always been true
Shoreditch has always been changing, like every other part of London, like every other part of every city.
Buy this!
Wondering why Amazon doesn’t have a single international page per item.
Manufactured normalcy
On people who are disappointed by the present, saying it’s not futuristic enough, and who can’t imagine a future.
Face.com closes its API after Facebook purchase
Face.com announce they’re closing their API only three weeks after saying how they’ll keep supporting their developers.
Placards for everyday life
Placards aren’t just for demonstrations, but should be carried more frequently.
“Blog” vs “blogpost”
Complaining to the ‘Guardian’ about misuse.
A Bauhaus for today
I wonder what a Bauhaus-equivalent in the 21st century would be like, and whether it’s possible.
The value of our historical Instagram products
Looking at the potential value of all the Instagram photos we’ve taken, with regard to Karl Marx, John Lanchester and Matt Webb.
1960s videos of London
Some great videos of London in the 1960s.
Two good quotes about politicians from Stewart Lee and Simon Hoggart.
Comments switched off
I’ve switched comments off on this blog, because of the number of spam comments.
The Guardian’s iPad edition
My thoughts on using the ‘Guardian’s iPad edition for a couple of months. It’s good.
Protecting the City
David Cameron protecting the City of London — not the UK — in Europe.
Work/life balance
Wondering whether your company providing non-work services helps or hinders work-life balance.
One dimensional news
Looking back at my Today’s Guardian site, after using it for a while. And identifying a problem all digital news design seems to have.
The asymmetry of how we judge others, at an individual level and as one country to another.
A single scene in ‘Drive’ has stuck with me over all the others.