2012-09-09 (Sunday)
Manufactured normalcy
On people who are disappointed by the present, saying it’s not futuristic enough, and who can’t imagine a future.
Tait Technologies: Moving Images at Olympic Stadium
About the seat pixel things in the Olympic Stadium. Stunning, and they work so much better than I would have imagined. (via @knolleary)
1906 Earthquake Blended with Today | Shawn Clover
Lovely merging of photos of San Francisco from 1906 and today. (via New Aesthetic)
Aaaand… you're back in the room!
@schulze I was just thinking of all the angry Barbican residents inevitably complaining about the firework noise…
Ahh, yes, Thames Festival fireworks, 10.30 to 10.45 or so apparently. (Thanks @jwheare)
Don't understand. Fireworks went off in real world when Coe was talking on TV. Now more real world fireworks while adverts are on TV.
I see now that the odd 2° on Coe's lectern at the opening was part of the map design, which should have been hidden by the missing agito.
@Zoonie @katylindemann Apparently it wasn't filmed by the Olympic Broadcast whatsit.
@katylindemann Yeah they were really going for the montage gold medal! All the tears.
Rhianna! No Coldplay! Music has never felt so (comparatively) vital and alive!
I want to see the running again. Can we go back to the running bit? And the jumping and stuff? What was wrong with that?
Rhianna had to kill Annie Lennox to get on that boat.
I love TV adverts.
@alruii Not just on special occasions?
@tomstuart Thank you for tweeting. Your tweet is important to us.
@moleitau Legacy. Coldplay playing across the nation for ever. From every speaker, every pair of headphones, non-stop.
I realise Coldplay are hugely popular and I'm happy some people will love it, but… the sheer blandness exhausts and mystifies me.
@philgyford @antimega stadium pixels: livedesignonline.com/news/tait_olym…
@knolleary @antimega Thanks, good stuff.
@iamdanw Just checking.
@antimega Yeah, and those pixels *are* brilliant. Do we know who planned/designed them?
@antimega Imagine all the football chants they could illustrate!
@simonth I'm sure they're lovely!
If ‘Stomp’ ruled the world.
Art cars, flamethrowers, poi, safari hat, el-wire… It’s so Burning Man. Although the performers do look a bit more po-faced.
@chrislunch @mildlydiverting I wish I could take full credit, but it’s the name of a club night.
Is this continuing the story of Britain from the Olympic opening on into the future, and this is the post-apocalyptic ‘The Road’ scenario?
Someone’s got lost on the way to Burning Man.
Generative Enolympics.
You know, that ambient electronic music, distant voices, occasional cheering and clapping, occasional national anthems, more music…
Listening to the C4 stream of Paralympics with no action. Can we have a permanent O/Paralympic ambient soundscape for when it’s all over?
18 months ago I estimated I could clear my “books to read” shelf by now. However, upon examination it appears to have defied my instruction!
We're starting a new year! How about an evening class? eg floodlight.co.uk citylit.ac.uk arts.ac.uk/courses/shortc… Always be learning.
Tending my online garden. Almost wishing I just had an online window box. Sometimes it’s as if Miss Havisham had a website.
@jar0n Yes, the test will cover the entire syllabus!
@jar0n I’ll be testing you later!
Liked tweets
First fortnight: Olympics. Second fortnight: Paralympics. Third fortnight: Coldplay.
Just accidentally opened Google+. Like opening a cupboard under the stairs & finding 6 people you know clinging to each other in the dark.
Shopping in Brighton, a guide by @CliveAndrews