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Writing tagged Misc

  1. Being wrong about now

    Why is it OK for the IMF to keep changing their GDP forecasts for the current year?

  2. Hobbies

    Wondering about hobbies, which seem a rarer idea in the age of the Internet.

  3. A form of augmented reality

    About a kind of augmented reality that many people already use every day, inspired by Kevin Slavin’s talk.

  4. That’s no city

    Rosemary Hill on the Shard as a “vertical city”.

  5. Today’s Guardian v1.1

    I’ve made some small improvements to my Today’s Guardian website.

  6. One of today’s futures

    James Bridle’s ‘New Aesthetic’ has got me thinking about today’s futures again, rather than yesterday’s.

  7. Updated: A Beginner’s Guide to Freelancing

    I’ve updated my long guide to freelancing.

  8. Funding niche news services

    Matt Edgar’s trying to get a few people to fund a quality, local news serivce for Leeds.

  9. More blogging

    It’s time for more blogging.

  10. That dreadful phrase

    The government’s East London Tech City scheme tries to make a single “city” out of two very different places.

  11. Flexible with strong faces

    Examples of odd and interesting casting calls sent out for adverts.

  12. 1950 suits

    Some stills of men in suits from a 1950 film about cricket.

  13. Papanek on clogs

    BERG’s post about Nike Mayfly shoes reminded me of Victor Papanek talking about clogs.

  14. Today’s Guardian source

    I’ve released the source code for my Today’s Guardian website.

  15. A metaphor

    The only two responses Palin’s team could make to the Giffords shooting that make sense.

  16. Falling out of love

    The final volume of Samuel Pepys’ diary has been a disappointment. Not due to the content, but due to the shoddy printing.

  17. Why the iPad newspaper might not be doomed

    Rupert Murdoch’s forthcoming iPad newspaper might not be a failure.

  18. The American Civil War, one day at a time

    The ‘New York Times’ is starting a blog telling the story of the war, day by day.

  19. Muji PP Storage comparison spreadsheet

    I made a Google Docs spreadsheet comparing the different Muji boxes and drawers.

  20. Nearly future

    Thoughts on James Bridle’s post about Network Realism.

  21. It no longer makes sense

    Nick Denton is planning to change the structure of his sites’ front pages in a similar way to that I did 18 months ago.

  22. Willy nilly

    My brief talk about Foursquare etiquette at Playful 2010.

  23. Should you build your own home?

    Should you build your own (online) home? Or live in one of the existing communities with their cute little houses?

  24. A map for every day

    I’ve made maps of my activity for every day, using tweets, Foursquare check-ins and Flickr photos.

  25. It’s not me, it’s you

    My frustrations with ‘Today’ have reached a peak, and I won’t be listening any more.