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Links tagged with “webdevelopment”

  1. Tower - The most powerful Git client for Mac

    “The most powerful Git client for Mac.” Looks good I think. Might be less scary for doing some out-of-the-ordinary things. (via Lee)

  2. LukeW | “Mad Libs” Style Form Increases Conversion 25-40%

    Redesigning a form to a “Mad Libs”, sentence style increased conversion 25-40%.

  3. Perch - A really little content management system (CMS)

    I’ll forget what this is called if I need to find it again. Sounds like it could be handy, and a shiny blue and pink site always makes things seem even nicer. (via Mildlydiverting)

  4. Coderholic’s django-cities at master - GitHub

    Models, with data from GeoNames, for countries, regions, cities and districts, for Django. Haven’t used it yet, but looks very useful.

  5. The OS X Spatial Stack :: Drive-by Digressions

    Looks very handy, if my OS X system wasn’t already a complete mess of historic and forgotten installs of various things.

  6. Google-refine - Project Hosting on Google Code

    Looks very nice - an interface to sort, search, cluster, refine, and generally tidy up large datasets. (via Waxy)

  7. Annotator | Open Knowledge Foundation

    Looks good. jQuery and python (or other backend) for annotating HTML pages. (via Infovore)

  8. How do sites prevent vanity URLs from colliding with future features? - Quora

    Just for the list of suggested blacklist terms that shouldn’t be allowed for usernames, so as to avoid future URL conflicts.

  9. JQuery Cycle Plugin

    Another nice, fancy slideshow thing. (via Infovore)

  10. Django-messages - Project Hosting on Google Code

    App for allowing the sending of private messages between users of a site. Looks good at first glance.

  11. Nathansearles’s Faded at master - GitHub

    “A super simple fading image and content viewer for jQuery” Looks good. (via Infovore)

  12. Izi / django-admin-tools / wiki / Home – Bitbucket

    Another way of making Django’s admin nicer.

  13. Django-grappelli - Project Hosting on Google Code

    Skin for making Django admin look nicer.

  14. HTML Purifier - Filter your HTML the standards-compliant way!

    PHP library for whitelisting certain HTML, protecting against XSS, etc. (via @simonw)

  15. Backbone.js

    What looks like a lovely way to structure large JavaScript projects into an MVC structure. (via Simon Willison)

  16. Git ready » learn git one commit at a time

    Very handy collection of git tips. Enough information to make sense, not too much to confuse.

  17. Hacker News | I’m done building Facebook apps for clients

    More people discussing the frustrations of developing for Facebook.

  18. I’m done building Facebook apps for clients | Ryan Waggoner

    Yes, this. I’ve only done Facebook Connect stuff, not built actual FB apps, but, it’s unpleasant and frustrating. Stick to the Web.

  19. Snoopy | View-source bookmarklet for iPad, iPhone and other mobile devices

    Very handy. Also rather nice on desktop browsers too. (via Tim Brayshaw)

  20. Dcramer’s django-sentry at master - GitHub

    Looks nice, haven’t used it. “Sentry provides you with a generic interface to view and interact with your [Django] error logs.”

  21. Social Media Icons — Paul Robert Lloyd

    Handy sometime I expect. Standardised icons for services, in four sizes.

  22. What’s the best way to structure large JavaScript/jQuery projects? - Quora

    I asked a question on Quora and had some helpful responses.

  23. Setting Up Twitter Bots with OAuth | maSnun’s logs

    Least baffling description I’ve read. Phew. (via Infovore)

  24. Alex’s django-taggit at master - GitHub

    Hopefully more reliable than whatever that other django tagging app I used a while ago was.

  25. I have tried to be happy with django, I really have. : django

    I’m finding this quite reasoned discussion about what’s good/bad about Django really interesting.

  26. HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome.

    Even if you don’t use the whole thing, it’s a nice collection of handy little JavaScript/CSS/.htaccess techniques in one place.

  27. My Large Google Maps tool

    Not pretty, but handy for drawing polylines and shapes on Google Maps and getting the coordinates.

  28. Django via fastCGI on Lighttpd | App Delegate Inc

    This description of how to set it up sounds comprehensible.

  29. 10 Things I Learned from the jQuery Source « Paul Irish

    I generally dislike screencasts — seems like an inefficient way to deliver information about code — but this was pretty good.

  30. WebFaction : Hosts : Djangofriendly

    Sounds like a really good place to go for hosting Django websites. (Shame about the comment spam on the Djangofriendly site though.)

  31. Panic Blog » Coda Notes for Safari: Now Available!

    That is very, very nicely done. And useful. (via Daring Fireball)

  32. The return of Expect: 100-continue « gnegg

    I was sending data via a big POST request using PHP’s curl and getting nothing back. I had to do this to fix it. (Wake up at the back!)

  33. Ariel Flesler: jQuery.ScrollTo

    This is very lovely: super easy to automatically scroll the window to a specific point, a DOM element, a selector… easily adjustable.

  34. JavaScript Compressor and Comparison Tool

    Paste some JavaScript in and get it compressed by various compressors.

  35. Ben Alman » jQuery Misc plugins - jQuery queueFn

    “Execute any jQuery method or arbitrary function in the animation queue.” Handy, and I keep forgetting where to find it. (via Simon Willison a while back)

  36. Git Reference

    Ooh, blimey, an actually useful and readable and understandable concise guide to Git. Phew.

  37. Django Advent

    Finally finished reading this. Are there other sites that have this kind of writing about Django regularly?

  38. Highslide JS - JavaScript thumbnail viewer

    Looks good, configurable, etc. And I’m a sucker for that nice zoomy action.

  39. How to build a web widget (using jQuery) - Alex Marandon

    Good, clearly written, tutorial on writing a widget that will be included on third party websites. (via Dotcode)

  40. CSS3 Transition - iPhoneWebDev | Google Groups

    Occasionally useful thread from 2009 about CSS3 transitions, hardware acceleration, etc on iPhones

  41. Introduction - iui - iUI Introduction Wiki Page. - Project Hosting on Google Code

    A JavaScript/CSS framework thing for making web apps on iPhones etc. Haven’t looked into it yet.

  42. Python Package Index : Mezzanine 0.2.2

    “A content management platform built using the Django framework” and with a nice WordPress-style admin interface.

  43. The arrow of WordPress time « Jon Udell

    On trying to do something a little Pepys’ Diary-esque using a standard site.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (827)
  2. london (398)
  3. uk (355)
  4. music (304)
  5. mac (189)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (174)
  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
