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Links tagged with “education”

  1. Product design & UX design resources – Degreeless.Design

    Assuming these are good resources, I love things like this. Suggested sites and books to learn about design, starting with the basics. (via Web Curios)

  2. Supply Studies Syllabus - Supply Studies

    “This document … presents a series of readings in areas of interest to the critical study of logistics.” Looks fascinating. (via Scope of Work)

  3. Are your students struggling this semester? | Ask MetaFilter

    Interesting to read how consistently (US) students are struggling to work, pay attention, etc, this year.

  4. Free German Online Courses Level A1 to B1 | DW Learn German

    These seem really good, especially for free. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  5. How to get started with web development | Go Make Things

    I’d have no idea what to suggest to someone wanting to learn this stuff, but this looks like a great list for front-end development.

  6. School of the Alternative

    Previously Black Mountain School, started in 2016 on the site of the Black Mountain College.

  7. Back to School: Re-creating Black Mountain College - Art in America

    On the Black Mountain School (since renamed School of the Alternative) starting in 2016. Maybe sounds a bit… backward looking? Perhaps inevitably?

  8. George Duoblys · One, Two, Three, Eyes on Me! · LRB 5 October 2017

    On the “efficient” teaching and disciplinary methods used in some London secondary schools. Sounds grim.

  9. frank lantz - don’t die

    Long interview that’s interesting on trying (and failing) to make videogames “serious”, the purpose and worth of learning about making games at university, having a shared basic knowledge of games history/culture/ideas. Needs editing.

  10. Considerations On Cost Disease | Slate Star Codex

    On why (American) housing costs, teaching, healthcare, universities, etc cost much, much more than they did a few decades ago, but are, if anything, worse. (via @genmon)

  11. Bildnerische Formlehre - Bildnerische Gestaltungslehre - Paul Klee - Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern

    3900 pages of Paul Klee’s notebooks on sculptural form and design theory, scanned and transcribed.

  12. 50 weeks to learn film | Mark Cousins’ Dispatches | Sight & Sound | BFI

    I liked this brief year-long curriculum for learning about films. A year ago. But it wasn’t online then for reasons best known to S&S.

  13. The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Issue a Press Release

    Brilliant transcript of a talk by Audrey Watters on predictions about the future of technology, what they mean, why they’re wrong, etc. Very good. (via Russell Davies)

  14. Networks Land

    “A collection of educational activities and material explaining how the internet works … The activities are designed to mostly take place offline using physical objects, field trips, and games.”

  15. Deutsch - warum nicht? | DW.COM

    German audio series for learning.

  16. The Incomplete City — But what was the question? — Medium

    Dan Hill on a fascinating week-long workshop at the Bartlett, with students creating a wall-sized 3D plan of a city.

  17. Stefan Collini · Who are the spongers now? · LRB 21 January 2016

    It’s probably only because I’m not involved in higher education, and don’t have children heading towards it, that I find reading things like this, about the government’s current and future plans, enjoyable, like dystopian fiction.

  18. Slow German - Lerne alles über Deutschland!

    A podcast about Germany, in German, but spoken slowly and clearly to help with learning.

  19. Software Engineering for Industry by softengindustry

    Mostly for the nice way of handling an online reading group - a Twitter account, a Slack channel, and a GitHub repository for documents, suggested reading, etc. (via @tomstuart)

  20. How Trigger Warnings Are Hurting Mental Health on Campus - The Atlantic

    Fascinating. Things like this, and the behaviours and attitudes amplified by social media, make me wonder what the world will be like when today’s 20-year-olds are in charge. (via @preoccupations)

  21. Deep Springs College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    26 students, no fees, isolated location, students and staff all work on the ranch/farm. (via The New York Review of Books)

  22. Udacity’s Sebastian Thrun, Godfather Of Free Online Education, Changes Course | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

    Interesting to read about them trying to work out what kind of education MOOCs are best suited to (university? Pre-university? Professional training?). I start to think the traditional boxes are less and less useful.

  23. Course: Doing Journalism with Data, First Steps, Skills and Tools

    “Five week” free online introductory data journalism course starting “early 2014”. No idea how much time it’s supposed to take, but I’ve signed up anyway. Sounds like a good intro. (via The Functional Art)

  24. Lottie Dexter should quit - and take the Year of Code board with her - Adrian Short

    This all sounds like such a horrible, shallow farce led by people who feel “entrepreneurship” is the sole thing that should be encouraged in children. Fuck that.

  25. Undergrad, Cooper, KABK — One Student’s Route to Learning Type Design

    One person’s experience of three typography courses, from a part-time, one term course to a full-time, one year course, Australia, NY and the Hague.

  26. Sold Out by Stefan Collini (London Review of Books)

    On how the UK’s universities have changed over recent decades, becoming bigger, more beholden to private interests, more expensive for students… the LRB’s best current affairs articles are all so depressing.

  27. How to learn how to dance in a year

    I’m fascinated by people switching careers and/or learning new skills. Because so many people think it’s too late, when it rarely is if you’re persistent.

  28. TypeMedia TypeCooker: Generator

    “A tool for generating type-drawing exercises. The system creates a random list of requirements for a typeface, but with relevant criteria.”

  29. Justice with Michael Sandel - Online Harvard Course Exploring Justice, Equality, Democracy, and Citizenship

    Sounds great, although it’s hard to tell if this is a simplified or different version of the actual Harvard course outlined at (via NYRB)

  30. London Centre for Book Arts

    New, in Hackney, devoted to artists’ books. They do classes on printing, binding, etc. (via the Guardian)

  31. Times Higher Education - This could be huge…

    Good article on online courses, a bit more practical than Clay Shirky’s (also good but different). Challenges of teaching one, how can they make money, what are the implications of universities recognising the qualifications, etc. (via @annegalloway)

  32. Napster, Udacity, and the Academy

    Clay on free online courses being to universities as file sharing was/is to the music industry. Even aside from that, worth it for making clear the variety and scale (ie, how tiny Ivy League is) of US higer education.

  33. Announcing the Snarkmarket Seminar

    I love this idea. Somewhere around a book group and a collaborative course.

  34. The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization: The first Massive Open Online Course about infographics and data visualization

    Free six-week online course starting 28th October, by Alberto Cairo, through the Knight Centre for Journalism, about infographics and data visualization. Sounds good.

  35. Learnable Programming

    Beautifully done and lovely essay on programming languages, programming environments and how programming should be taught. “Typing in the code to draw a static shape is not programming! It’s merely a very cumbersome form of illustration.” (via many tweets)

  36. The importance of not knowing: reflections of a designer tutor

    Matt Ward with a decade’s worth of tips on teaching design. Very good. I miss Design.

  37. 10 rules for students and teachers - Global - Imagination

    Good. By John Cage, posted in Merce Cunningham’s studio. (via @matthewward)

  38. School ‘Reform’: A Failing Grade by Diane Ravitch | The New York Review of Books

    I suspect much of this angry-making article applies to UK education too. Surely anyone working on, or funding, policies for education really should spend at least a few weeks with a variety of teachers and children.

  39. Online Education

    Some interesting, free online courses from Stanford University. I may give the Model Thinking one a whirl. Starts this month. (via Monevator)

  40. Our Universities: How Bad? How Good? by Peter Brooks | The New York Review of Books

    I’m not sure why I keep finding these articles about universities so interesting. Maybe because it’s so hard to pin down what they’re *for*, never mind how to achieve that.

  41. The Grim Threat to British Universities by Simon Head | The New York Review of Books

    A description of the business-derived practices now standard in UK universities, alluded to in the previously-linked LRB article, including the Balanced Scorecard, Key Performance Indicators and Research Assessment Exercise.

  42. Stefan Collini · From Robbins to McKinsey: The Dismantling of the Universities · LRB 25 August 2011

    On the higher education White Paper: The gradual movement of responsibility for higher education within government towards business departments; the tortuous attempts to balance a free market and a command economy; the odd language (“the mission-statement present”, “the dogmatic future tense”); that studying something often isn’t wholly enjoyable; that choosing a university “cannot primarily be price-sensitive, adaptive, feedback-governed consumer behaviour”; the 1963 Robbins Report’s emphasis on intellectual inquiry rather than “meeting the needs of employers.”

  43. The End of the Open University As We Know It « The Thought Stash

    Ugh, the OU is increasing its course fees by around 3.5 times. I only studied with them for a term but would have considered it again. Much. much less sure about that now. (via Preoccupations)

  44. The Online Photographer: What I Would Get If I Were Starting Now

    I like this guide to how to start out in photography, particularly the bit about buying initial equipment and then not even looking at possible new kit for five years. Just do photography, don’t shop.

  45. AC Grayling’s private university is odious | Terry Eagleton | Comment is free | The Guardian

    My thoughts: Expensive private universities were inevitable once all universities were able to charge a lot. But inevitability doesn’t make it better, and there’s no way to pretend this is anything but bad for inequality.

  46. LRB · Howard Hotson · Short Cuts

    The new BPP University in the UK is owned by the Apollo Group, whose biggest US institution, the University of Phoenix, sounds very dodgy.

  47. LRB · Howard Hotson · Don’t Look to the Ivy League

    A good account of why the US’s market-based university system (admired by Tories) harms the public system and isn’t as good as a first glance at league tables suggests.

  48. The Myth of Charter Schools by Diane Ravitch | The New York Review of Books

    If I ever see ‘Waiting for “Superman”’, I should read this again. A relentless critique of the film’s arguments for US charter schools over public schools, probably applicable to the UK’s academies too.

  49. The Dan Plan

    Spending 10,000 hours (a la Gladwell) over six years to learn to golf from scratch, hoping to become a top professional. I often wonder how late in life you could still become expert at something new. (via Kottke)

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