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Links tagged with “osx”

  1. Rocket—Slack-style emoji everywhere on your Mac

    Makes it easy to type emojis. I’m surprised typing emojis on OS X is such a pain. (via @benhammersley)

  2. Bartender | Mac Menu Bar Item Control

    I didn’t expect this to make much difference, but within minutes of tidying up that mess of pointless, ugly icons I already feel more relaxed. (via Useful Mac)

  3. Useful Mac

    Really enjoying this blog, because it reminds me of the olden days of trying out lots of useful, or less useful, Mac utilities from magazine cover discs.

  4. dotfiles/.osx at master · mathiasbynens/dotfiles

    An example script for setting loads of OS X system and application preferences. Although I so rarely set up a new computer, I quite enjoy doing it manually. But still, it hadn’t occurred to me to do this before. (via @tomstuart)

  5. Arq: Online Backup for Mac to Amazon AWS Glacier and S3 | Haystack Software

    Mac app for backing up to S3 or Glacier. Interesting, compared to Backblaze, Mozy, etc.

  6. Evom - Convert and Download Videos to iTunes

    “Download internet videos (YouTube and more) to iTunes and iPod.” Handy. (via Ben Hammersley and more)

  7. BeaTunes ~ build better playlists

    Interesting metadata editor/finder for music in your iTunes library. Can also do some kind of Genius-like playlist creation.

  8. Issues with how Apple Aperture 3 writes metadata

    What a mess. Although some of these issues might have been fixed in the just-released 10.6.4 OS X update which “addresses IPTC metadata compatibility issues” in Aperture 3…?

  9. Apple - Support - Discussions - missing faces/places after event import …

    Differences between Aperture’s importing from iPhoto Library and from its iPhoto Browser.

  10. Install Movable Type on a Mac - Adventures in Movable Type

    This is always more pain than it should be. A handy guide.

  11. Video Monkey

    “A free video encoding application exclusively for Mac … it borrows heavily from the Visual Hub video conversion tool.” (via Yoz)

  12. Cadence | your music. your motion.

    Mainly for Cadence Desktop, which claims to apply BPM values to your iTunes songs. I’ve heard that before, but you never know. (via Lee)

  13. Equinux - Mac software to watch, chat and record digital TV

    The Tube. Looks like an interesting alternative to something like EyeTV for watching and recording TV, if you have a tuner. Plus social gubbins.

  14. iPhone / iPod Touch Backup Extractor

    Need to try this out. I’d like an archive of my SMSes and this might help me extract them.

  15. Fader | iPlayer Grabber, the iPlayer downloader for Mac OS X

    iPlayer has ceased to function on my G4 PowerBook - it gets about one frame per second. But iPlayer Grabber lets me watch things on it. Hurrah!

  16. Anki - friendly, intelligent flashcards

    Free software for learning stuff off flashcards.

  17. Run Internet Explorer 6 (or IE7, or IE8) images in VMware Fusion on Mac OS X - Ryan Parman

    I’ve avoided IE 8 so far, but guess I’ll need to give it a whirl soon. Harrumph. (via Tom Taylor)

  18. Developer Color Picker

    Quite handy, although I wish it gave the option to display the Color Values in CSS friendly hex too. (via Daring Fireball)

  19. LittleSnapper - Screenshot and Website Capture for Mac OS X Leopard

    Extremely handy for taking screenshots of websites. Very slightly flaky in places but otherwise a joy.

  20. MailSteward

    A pay-for Mac app that archives email into SQLite or MySQL databases. Looks pretty awesome for searchable backups. Need the pro version for large volumes of email (>100,000 messages).

  21. Safari 4 benchmarked: 42x faster than IE 7, 3.5x faster than Firefox 3 - Crave at CNET UK

    Shockingly bad bar charts. 3D bars drawn in perspective don’t help with comparisons.

  22. iCraig » Geotagger

    A Mac app for using Google Earth to add GPS coordinates to photos’ EXIF data. A shame iPhoto doesn’t update its cached data though. (via Lee)

  23. Fraser Speirs – On the Flickr support in iPhoto ‘09

    I know Speirs could be accused of bias but it doesn’t sound like iPhoto ‘09’s Flickr integration is going to be any use to me at all. Sounds awful. (via Daring Fireball)

  24. Mathusalem - Google Code

    Interesting-sounding backup utility for Mac OS X. Backs up in the background to “local drives, iDisk, WebDAV, AFP, SMB, FTP, SFTP or Amazon S3”. Maybe for when StrongSpace finally disappears. (via Tom Taylor on Twitter)

  25. Cornerstone vs. Versions, Again

    Comparing Mac Subversion clients. (via Daring Fireball)

  26. Changing the short username in Leopard | Macworld

    This was very useful after Migration Assistant insisted I couldn’t have the same username on my new MacBook as on my old PowerBook. Grrrr.

  27. Versions - Mac Subversion Client (SVN)

    Nice looking Subversion client for the Mac (er, like it says). (via TUAW)

  28. Billings 3 / journal / hicksdesign

    Review of a Mac-based invoicing/time-keeping thing. (via Daring Fireball)

  29. Ukelele - Mac OS X Keyboard Layout Editor

    Could be your solution if you’re trying to use a UK Windows keyboard (or something else non-Apple) with a Mac.

  30. Synium - MacFamilyTree

    Very whizzy-looking Mac software for managing one’s family tree and outputting it in many different ways, including weird 3D grids and a globe.

  31. iSquint - iPod Video Made Easy.

    Free converter for making video into iPod/iPhone-friendly video. (via Haddock)

  32. AntiRSI -

    I’ve tried a few apps that nag you to take a break from the computer. I was using TimeOut but this manages to be both more subtle and more insistent.

  33. Adactio: Journal — Hacky holidays on OS X

    How to set up virtual hosts, PHP5 and MySQL on Leopard, for when I upgrade soonish.

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  1. webdevelopment (831)
  2. london (398)
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  5. mac (189)
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  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
