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Links tagged with “software”

  1. Versions - Mac Subversion Client (SVN)

    Nice looking Subversion client for the Mac (er, like it says). (via TUAW)

  2. Billings 3 / journal / hicksdesign

    Review of a Mac-based invoicing/time-keeping thing. (via Daring Fireball)

  3. Rockbox - Open Source Jukebox Firmware

    I had no idea there was open source alternative software for MP3 players, including early iPods. (via Boing Boing)

  4. Ukelele - Mac OS X Keyboard Layout Editor

    Could be your solution if you’re trying to use a UK Windows keyboard (or something else non-Apple) with a Mac.

  5. Synium - MacFamilyTree

    Very whizzy-looking Mac software for managing one’s family tree and outputting it in many different ways, including weird 3D grids and a globe.

  6. iSquint - iPod Video Made Easy.

    Free converter for making video into iPod/iPhone-friendly video. (via Haddock)

  7. Jaikoz Audio Tagger

    Multi-platform ID3 tagging app, for most kinds of music file, using MusicBrainz and MusicIP. 15 quid, but powerful, even if a bit, you know, Java.

  8. AntiRSI -

    I’ve tried a few apps that nag you to take a break from the computer. I was using TimeOut but this manages to be both more subtle and more insistent.

  9. The RoundCube Webmail Project

    Nice looking, free, open source web-based IMAP email client.

  10. Mozy Online Backup: Simple, Automatic, Secure

    Simple-sounding online backup service for Windows or Mac. (via Haddock) (UPDATE, 2009: Heard not so good feedback about it, trying Backblaze instead.)

  11. GarageBuy Homepage

    Free Mac application for browsing eBay and buying stuff. Much nicer than the site itself. There’s also a pay-for app for selling stuff. (via Yoz)

  12. Install multiple versions of IE on your PC | TredoSoft

    This has come a long way since I last looked at this kind of thing. Now comes with a handy installer.

  13. Orbicule | Undercover | F.A.Q.

    Fascinating software and service to help trace your Mac if it’s stolen. Even sounds vaguely feasible. (via Daring Fireball)

  14. Celtx - Overview

    Free, good-looking software for writing scripts, storyboards, planning productions, etc.

  15. iLAS

    Almost identical to iTunes-LAME, except it works. And with a newer version of LAME. What I’m now using.

  16. StuMoD - freight train of wit and cleverosity

    NMP3 Ripper is another alternative for encoding MP3s using LAME, but I haven’t tried it.

  17. Max from

    Blacktree’s iTunes-LAME script for encoding MP3s with LAME malfunctions with recent versions of iTunes. Max is an alternative, but seems a bit overkill just for this job.

  18. Review: iDefrag for OS X -

    Raves for a disk defragging tool for Macs, and discussion about the fact it is needed despite what many think.

  19. - Home of Shadow Plan for Palm OS

    Notebook, outliner, etc to maybe try one day, although the website design makes me distrust the software before I’ve even looked at it.

  20. Mori | Hog Bay Software

    Mac notebook app to try one day. Maybe I can sync it with my Treo somehow?

  21. GUIdebook > Splashes

    It’s like TV Cream’s archive of 1970s TV idents, but for geeks. Photoshop 2.5, Quark 3… ahhhh. (via Drawn!)

  22. Dejal - Narrator

    Handy Mac app for reading out stories or scripts. Can give each script character a different voice, and leave a gap for you to say your lines.

  23. Peter Maurer - Witch

    Application switcher for Mac that lets you switch between windows, not just applications. Very handy for those of us trying to avoid the mouse. Oodles of options.

  24. 3000 miles from home | aram kudurshian’s web site | high priority

    Mac OS X toolbar to-do list manager. For me to remember if I start using iCal’s to do list. (via

  25. Overview : Xyle scope : Cultured Code

    Rather smart HTML- and CSS-examining application for the Mac. Looks complicated, but I imagine it could be invaluable over time.

  26. StickyBrain

    To remember in case I ever need a more comprehensive notes/to dos/actions application than simple .txt files.

  27. Dejal - Time Out!

    Break-enforcing thing for Mac OS X. Liking it more than MacBreakz - more modern and more free (but no random exercise suggestions).

  28. MacBreakZ - Your Personal Ergonomic Assistant - RSI prevention and recovery - Macintosh

    I’m giving this a go, in an effort to prevent my shoulders seizing up. Good, although the app feels a bit old fashioned.

  29. Blacktree - Forums - View topic - Doesn’t work under 10.4

    Yay, new version of iTunes-BPM which works under Tiger (helps you set the BPM of tracks by clicking in time).

  30. Michael Tsai - Blog - My New Backup Strategy

    I’m always intrigued by other people’s Mac backup strategies.

  31. Blahgger: I Haven’t Forgotten, And We Will Never Forget.

    Steve Gedikian of Nullsoft on what it’s like to sell your little company to a big one.

  32. Panic - Extras - The True Story of Audion

    Cabel Sasser on the story of developing Audion and the emergence of iTunes. A long but great read.

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