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Links tagged with “weblog”

  1. Strike to Stun

    Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay site: weblog, downloads, forum.

  2. Urban Sketchers

    I’m very much enjoying this so far. A group weblog from dozens of sketching people in cities around the world. Some inspiring stuff.

  3. The Orwell Prize

    George Orwell’s diaries daily, Pepys style. Lacking the year on each entry — too much ‘2008’ very little ‘1938’ around. Quite a random linking strategy in entries, but it’s early days.

  4. Asaph -

    Nice-looking and very simple weblog CMS focused on collecting links, photos and quotes, rather than writing stuff yourself. (via Daring Fireball)

  5. Chyrp

    Simple-looking, open-source, decently-featured PHP/MySQL-based weblog engine with built-in support for different kinds of Tumblr-like posts. (via Daring Fireball)

  6. The Colorblind James Experience: Absolutely More!

    History of the band, with MP3s to download, by people in the band.

  7. Silent Noise Control

    Another MP3blog with full albums, this one on “industrial, electronic and experimental weirdness.”

  8. Fauni Gena

    While looking for MP3blogs on electronic music (any suggestions?) I came across this one on ambient music.

  9. Thesp Club

    One of the four current part-time Foundation acting courses at the City Lit have their own collective weblog. Scarily enthuiastic.


    I finally got round to reading a few months of John August’s weblog — he’s the screenwriter of ‘Go’ and ‘Big Fish’ among others — and it’s great stuff. Honest, open and useful.

  11. LISPA - Naropa Alumni

    People who were at the college I’m now at.

  12. Heaven and Here

    Unofficial ‘The Wire’ weblog. Quiet at the moment, hopefully will start when the next series begins.. (via Said the Gramophone)

  13. Bible Study for Atheists

    A chapter of the Bible per weblog entry, with commentary. Wish I’d heard about this when it started, as I’d like to know more of the Bible.

  14. PrintFetish

    Weblog about magazines, zines, small press books, etc.

  15. London Theatre Blog

    Looks like good stuff. (via Encore Theatre Magazine)

  16. The Perfumed Garden

    I’ve been very much enjoying this weblog that posts Peel Session MP3s (there’s a long list in the sidebar under ‘Active Sessions’).

  17. The Ten Thousand Things

    I was following this eclectic MP3 blog a while back and somehow missed that Blake Leyh is also music supervisor on ‘The Wire’, which you must watch if you haven’t already.

  18. Dion Hinchcliffe’s Web 2.0 Blog

    Lots of very funny, obfuscatory and incomprehensible diagrams about Web 2.0. Couldn’t be spoofed better. I thought diagrams were supposed to make things *simpler*. (via Haddock)

  19. Voice of a City Paris

    A group blog about Paris — get the hang of the place from what the locals say I think.

  20. Hawk Wings

    Apple Mail blog. I was thinking of switching to Apple Mail from Eudora when I saved this link, but probably won’t now. But just in case…

  21. Phil Gyford’s blog

    I’ve been trying Vox out and have posted a few things there recently. Not sure I’ll continue though - one weblog’s more than enough.

  22. 146 miles without a map

    And he’s off! You can still sponsor James Wallis on his walk (click the “How to sponsor me” link). Good luck James!


    Some nice tutorials and ideas there. (via Drawn!)

  24. Take Your Medicine - UK Music Podcast

    Now I’ve found a podcast I like I *finally* see the point of them.

  25. Compact

    The Compact’s weblog — see them wrestle with exactly what they’re allowed to buy new and giggle at the optimism: “if our movement grows we could take this country down”.

  26. Digitally Distributed Environments

    Weblog with, currently, lots of models of London buildings for Google Earth.

  27. Process Recess

    Some gorgeous life drawings on this illustrator’s weblog. (via

  28. Drawn! The Illustration Blog

    My new favourite weblog, full of inspiration. (via Boing Boing)

  29. The Stage Online :: Newsblog

    I stumbled across the Stage’s weblog earlier in the week, and it’s very good indeed.

  30. Futurismic: Blog

    Futures weblog I’m unsubscribing from for the moment.


    Futures weblog I’m unsubscribing from for the moment.


    Futures weblog I’m unsubscribing from for the moment.

  33. IFTF’s Future Now

    Futures weblog I’m unsubscribing from for the moment.

  34. The Speculist

    Future-oriented weblog I hadn’t come across before.

  35. Google Sightseeing

    Gobsmacked. Imagine when the rest of the world is photo-mapped at Google.

  36. Dracula Blogged

    Another historical/fictional diary as weblog… Bram Stoker’s Dracula, just starting.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (828)
  2. london (398)
  3. uk (356)
  4. music (306)
  5. mac (189)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (175)
  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
