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Links tagged with “tailoring”

  1. That Summer Vacation Collar

    On casual, summery, shirt collars.

  2. Which house style suits your body shape? - Permanent Style

    Good to have a summary of the basic styles of suit jacket in one place, even if I can barely tell most apart.

  3. Male pattern boldness

    “I started sewing in 2009 and today make all my own clothes using mainly vintage patterns and vintage sewing machines.”

  4. TaylorTailor

    “I’m on a mission to design and create my entire wardrobe from scratch. It’s going to take a while.” Also, bags.

  5. Learning to Make Your Own Clothes, Part Two

    Tips and resources from two men who make their own clothes.

  6. Alievens

    A guy in Belgium who makes his own shirts, trousers, jackets. (via Put This On)

  7. The SPECTRE Press Conference

    ‘The Suits of James Bond’ turns its very critical eye to what the next film’s actors wore for the press conference. Great/terrifying attention to detail.

  8. Classic Style and the Suit’s Ideal Proportions

    Using James Bond - specifically ‘The World is Not Enough’ - to illustrate the classic proportions of men’s suits.

  9. The Making of a Coat #1 - Introduction on Vimeo

    Currently 24 (short) videos about the process of making a bespoke coat (suit jacket). (via Made by Hand)

  10. One Cloth, Four Styles

    A nice poacher’s pocket for reading material.

  11. Building a capsule wardrobe: reader question

    Some suggestions for jackets and trousers for a more casual capsule wardrobe.

  12. Put This On - Fit

    Put This On’s posts on getting suits, shirts, etc to fit well.

  13. Folded Up Shirt P0rn - Page 211

    I was just thinking yesterday that casual shirts (ie, worn with no tie) don’t need top buttons, and then I came across these (bottom of page). Very nice.

  14. Neapolitan tweed jacket – Elia Caliendo

    Mmmm, yes, maybe that’s the thing. Only *cough* €2800. So maybe not.

  15. How to get a ready-to-wear suit altered - Permanent Style

    I thought I’d saved this before, but obviously not. Not that I’ve ever needed it, but still, interesting.

  16. How to buy my first bespoke suit – reader question - Permanent Style

    Some good advice, but also for the interesting comments, especially from a couple of guys talking about do’s and dont’s in City firms.

  17. Loden top coat from Vergallo

    Nice coat (as you’d expect for €2000). I like the idea of lapels that button up like this, but this one looks somehow unfinished when done up.

  18. How to buy a suit

    Links to previous posts on Permanent Style about the different aspects.

  19. Reader question: Differences between bespoke tailors - Permanent Style

    While I’m at it, this from 2010 is also a good read.

  20. A new (dashing) tailor discovered - Permanent Style

    A post from 2009. Sounds vaguely affordable. Well, compared to Saville Row. And this writer seems very happy with them. Loads of good stuff in this blog’s archives; an education.

  21. The perils of bespoke casual clothing

    On the difficulty, or pointlessness, of having casual clothes bespoke tailored.

  22. A Tailor Made It: Shirt Rant

    On how a shirt should fit. I’ve seen some horrible, figure-hugging shirts on men. Don’t do it!

  23. Made by Hand- the great Sartorial Debate: Indochino- How did my garment turn out?

    Tips on getting a made-to-measure suit, and an analysis of the good and less-good points on a particular suit.

  24. Ralph Lauren Purple Label

    Taking apart a $4,625 Ralph Lauren coat. Fascinating, and I’d love to read more things like this.

  25. The Cutter and Tailor

    A forum for professionals. You know, for when Ask Andy About Clothes and Style Forum don’t quite get down to the nitty gritty.

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