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Links tagged with “hosting”

  1. CapRover · Build your own PaaS in a few minutes!

    Looks simple. Docker based, mainly for use on DigitalOcean. (via /r/django)

  2. Host, run, and code Python in the cloud: PythonAnywhere

    Free, and upwards, hosting of Python code/sites, with what sound like great facilities for teachers and their classes.

  3. Sandstorm

    *Sounds* like it’s an easier way to do self-hosting (or almost self-hosting) for people who aren’t as technical as that usually requires? Not quite sure. (via Warren Ellis)

  4. Known: create a single website for all your content

    Hosted or self-hosted open source, personal CMS/blog that can send your posts, photos etc to Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, SoundCloud, etc. (via Warren Ellis)

  5. Web Hosting For App Developers –

    Some good rules of thumb and encouragement to use simple, standard VPSes rather than anything fancier.

  6. Maintenance

    After all that… TextDrive is finally disappearing on March 14th. I now have a lot to do in the next ten days.

  7. AWS Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

    Some handy tips for securing and using Amazon Web Services better. (via @simonw)

  8. ngrok - secure introspectable tunnels to localhost

    Alternative to localtunnel, for making sites on your local machine visible to the world. (via Infovore)

  9. WordPress Hosting and Managed WordPress Hosting from WP Engine

    Looks good, with some nice features. But not cheap compared to more generic hosting options. (via Brett Terpstra)

  10. WebFaction : Hosts : Djangofriendly

    Sounds like a really good place to go for hosting Django websites. (Shame about the comment spam on the Djangofriendly site though.)

  11. How To: Getting Started with Amazon EC2 —

    A good intro to EC2, which I’d like to get know better. (via Infovore)

  12. HowTo: EC2 for Poets

    Nice simple instructions from Dave Winer on how to set up an Amazon EC2 virtual web server. (via Preoccupations)

  13. ASCII by Jason Scott / FUCK THE CLOUD

    A follow-up to the previous link on why keeping your stuff on servers run by other companies is a recipe for trouble. I try to avoid this but some things, like Flickr, make me nervous. (via Blech)

  14. ASCII by Jason Scott / Eviction, or the Coming Datapocalypse

    Catching up on stuff… AOL Hometown shut down and wiped all its users’ sites with four weeks’ notice. It’s bad enough when chunks of the web disappear, but worse like this. (via Simon Willison)

  15. Why Google App Engine is broken and what Google must do to fix it. at Aral Balkan

    My word, it sounds quite useless really. (via Simon Willison)

  16. Widgetfinger - Simple Content Management for Simple Websites

    Looks like an awesome thing that would be great for a huge percentage of small business websites. I was a thrown by being asked for ‘Company Name’ first off when creating an account though. (via Infovore)

  17. pair Networks - World Class Web Hosting - System Notices

    Can’t be bothered with the RSS feed any more, but might need to remember where this is sometime.

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  1. webdevelopment (827)
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  10. css (159)
