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Links tagged with “overlinks”

  1. Kardashev scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    “The scale has three designated categories called Type I, II, and III. These are based on the amount of usable energy a civilization has at its disposal, and the degree of space colonization.” (via The Speculist)

  2. A radical pessimist’s guide to the next 10 years - The Globe and Mail

    While my favourite Vancouver-based science fiction author (William Gibson) is writing about the present, my favourite Vancouver-based chronicler of the now (Douglas Coupland) has written this about the future. (via @moleitau)

  3. BLDGBLOG: Predisposed

    More on that “how to tell future generations about dangerous things” problem. Fascinating stuff.

  4. OCAD - Graduate Studies - MDes in Strategic Foresight and Innovation

    I hadn’t heard of this Master of Design at the Ontario College of Art & Design. Interesting.

  5. DecisionLab » FacilitationCamp

    Next Friday and Saturday in Vauxhall. Might be interesting / useful? (via @wendyinfutures)

  6. BLDGBLOG: On the Road Again

    A bunch of links that, while fascinating, you shouldn’t read if you’re feeling at all pessimistic about things. This isn’t the future I was hoping for.

  7. Space Cadets - Charlie’s Diary

    Space colonisation would require a huge organised effort in an uninhabitable environment and so is “incompatible with both libertarian ideology and the myth of the American frontier.” (via Warren Ellis)

  8. Anthony Lau, Floating City 2030: Thames Estuary Aquatic Urbanism - a set on Flickr

    A project to visualise a floating city in the Thames Estuary. Lovely images. (via BLDGBLOG)

  9. SXSW 2010 for Futurists

    Some interesting things there, some of which might ease the pangs from the end of ETech. (via Tom Taylor)

  10. Engage the x drive: Ten ways to traverse deep space - space - 21 December 2009 - New Scientist

    Different ways of powering travel to deep space, and how plausible they are. (via The Speculist)

  11. Quantum Rocketry » Blog Archive » thoughts on space battles

    “A Ph.D. candidate in aerospace engineering” on how spacecraft and space weapons could work in reality. Occasionally like in the movies, often different. (via John August)

  12. Internet Archaeologists Find Ruins Of ‘Friendster’ Civilization | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source

    Brilliant stuff, and an amazing discovery. Why did that civilisation die out so suddenly?

  13. The Technium: 1,000 Years of Forgetting

    I often think how even the most famous people alive today won’t be remembered in the distant future. But more importantly… A BRILLIANT video from the year 3000!

  14. The Viridian Design Movement

    Bruce Sterling closed Reboot last week and, even though I’d heard and read some of it before it was a wonderful, weary, preaching, telling off. It made me read this again.

  15. Systemic - Too cheap to meter

    Trying to calculate the monetary value of distant planets. I’d like to see calculations with a different example at the start, and different measures of inflation.

  16. YouTube - Google Wave Developer Preview at Google I/O 2009

    I finally got round to watching this demo. I rarely need collaborative tools and I like plain text email. And yet this really looks like the future. Worth setting aside some time to watch until the end.

  17. This is going into my “best ever” box of forum threads (Philosophistry)

    Great future-y thought experiment: “So many of our grandparents were racist, and some of out parents are homophobes. Which of our own closely held beliefs will our own children and grandchildren by appalled by?” (via Danhon)

  18. The Long Now Blog » Blog Archive » All you need to jump start civilization…

    “On this one graphic is all the stuff you need to know to jump start a civilization (or get super rich if you travel back in time).” Fun.

  19. Johann Hari: You are being lied to about pirates - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

    Interesting, regarding the “West” treating developing countries badly (dumping nuclear waste, catching their fish) and then beginning to suffer consequences. (via Boing Boing)

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