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Links tagged with “design”

  1. A List Apart: Articles: Understanding Web Design

    Zeldman on how too few people understand what web design is. Hence dumb flashy sites winning web design awards. (via Infovore)

  2. - What I Learned in Art School (Is it Design Thinking?)

    A list of skills learned in art school that aren’t hands-on crafting skills. These are the best things about such places I think (via Purse Lip Square Jaw via Rodcorp)

  3. Russell davies: studying graphic design

    Lots of advice in the comments about where to do a graphic design degree (no recommendations for UWE where I went…).

  4. Pulse Laser: Drawing Olinda

    Splendid piece by Jack Schulze on how they came up with ideas for the form of their exciting-sounding digital radio prototype for the BBC.

  5. Charts - Rate Your Music

    Amazing collection of album and single cover images, apparently uploaded by users. eg, click ‘singles’ and pick a year, any year…

  6. Noisy Decent Graphics: Interesting 2007

    Fantastic ideas for doing all the supporting graphic/ product/ identity design around the Interesting 2007 mini conference. Lots of re-use of materials, very nice. (via Blackbeltjones)

  7. The Monumental Task of Warning Future Generations

    Because I’ve looked for stuff like this in the past (having heard about it years ago, offline) and never found it.

  8. ColourLovers Coup.0 :: Colour Lovers

    Odd but interesting and useful site for sharing colour palettes, marred only by over-busy design and annoying Flash. (via Haddock)

  9. Creating prototypes with OmniGraffle | urlgreyhot

    Not very complicated, but a good idea and a nicely done demo. (via ChrisDodo)

  10. Core77 - 1000 Words of Advice for Design Teachers

    Links to 1000 Words for Design Students (via Kottke)

  11. LAPL Virtual Photo: Far and Wide

    Wonderful collection of 1920s and 1930s travel posters advertising exotic destinations like California, Bermuda and North Wales. (Click the little ‘Next Page’ link, bottom right.) (via Drawn!)

  12. A List Apart: Articles: The Bathing Ape Has No Clothes (and other notes on the distinction between style and design)

    I’m sure I’ll need this again at some point. On why so many “designers” are actually “stylists”.

  13. USSR posters - a photoset on Flickr

    1,500 “Russian and/or Soviet propaganda & advert posters from 1917 to 1991.” (via Kottke)

  14. | Your free online color matching toolbox

    Another colour scheme generator. I need all the help I can get.

  15. Color Scheme Generator 2

    There are loads of these around, but this seems a nice example.

  16. Hotel • Home

    I love the design of this site’s pages (designed by Paul Hetherington built by Dorian Moore). I’m not sure if I love it in spite,or because of it looking more like a paper brochure than a website.

  17. Royal Festival Hall

    I’m not sure when it redesigned, but I’m really liking the RFH’s site. Beautiful.

  18. Fullinsert_high.pdf

    Preview of the new Guardian Berliner format. I’m probably more excited than I should be.

  19. Subtraction: May 2005 Archives

    Interesting weblog design. Monochrome, looks like print. Mostly yum.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (831)
  2. london (398)
  3. uk (356)
  4. music (307)
  5. mac (189)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
