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Links tagged with “videos”

  1. Drunk Mel Gibson Arrest Diorama - YouTube

    Very, very good video that you should watch. No, really. (via @genmon)

  2. Elizabeth Gilbert on Distinguishing Between Hobbies, Jobs, Careers, & Vocation - YouTube

    Good. Hands up who’s confused all four of those things and doesn’t know what they’re doing any more. (via Russell Davies)

  3. Ten Meter Tower - The New York Times

    “we found 67 people who had never been on a 10-meter diving tower before, and had never jumped from that high.” And then filmed them trying to get up the courage. Riveting. (via Kottke)

  4. Pharrell Williams - Happy

    So good. I could (and am) watch this for ages.

  5. Just Another Day - Walton on the Naze - Part 1

    1983 TV documentary about the Essex seaside town, directed by Adam Curtis. On the one hand, it’s just how I remember it from those days, and on the other, 1983 looks really old.

  6. webgamingcentral - YouTube (SimCity)

    I keep meaning to watch some of these SimCity playthrough videos, as I find it fascinating… but if I was wondering how I’d justify the time required to play the game, I’m not sure I can justify watching other people play it.

  7. Barbican, 1969 - YouTube

    Documentary about the Barbican, including footage of the then nearly-completed buildings, and (at 15:40) a look inside one of the show flats.

  8. Caine’s Arcade on Vimeo

    Lovely. Tears of happiness by the second half. (via Kottke)

  9. Made by Hand

    I like what the subjects of this series are doing but (and I may be overly cynical) these narrow-focused, American-sincerity videos are a hand-crafted inch from parody.

  10. Beauty Through Bamboo on Vimeo

    Nice video watching John Cho Moore hand-making one of his good-looking bags, using bamboo as a frame. (via Lineage of Influence)

  11. Reading Marx’s Capital with David Harvey » Reading Capital

    “David Harvey has been teaching Karl Marx’s Capital, Volume I for nearly 40 years, and his lectures are now available online for the first time. This open course consists of 13 video lectures of Professor Harvey’s close chapter by chapter reading of Capital, Volume I.” I bet that’s good. Also, CC-licensed.

  12. The difference between the UK, Great Britain, and England [video] - Holy Kaw!

    A very good description of the differences, which was an education to me. I can never remember all of this stuff. (via @tomcoates)

  13. YouTube - “Fuck you” Sign language performance

    You know the song, and it’s just a girl in a classroom doing sign language, how good can it be… Watch it! It’s my favourite thing I’ve seen in a while and makes me all smiley. Brilliant!

  14. Oops on Vimeo

    Found footage of video cameras being dropped. So much more absorbing than you’d imagine. Beautifully done. (via Waxy)

  15. YouTube - The London Nobody Knows (Part 1 of 4) Documentary

    ‘The London Nobody Knows’ has found its way to YouTube. Watch, if you haven’t seen it, and you like/know London, in case it disappears.

  16. 2010 Videos

    Videos of sessions from the Personal Digital Archiving 2010 conference. Haven’t watched anything yet. Did anyone reading this go? How was it?

  17. YouTube - Being a Dickhead’s Cool

    It’s like Nathan Barley - The Video, ten years on. Very good.

  18. YouTube - Google Wave Developer Preview at Google I/O 2009

    I finally got round to watching this demo. I rarely need collaborative tools and I like plain text email. And yet this really looks like the future. Worth setting aside some time to watch until the end.

  19. G20 protest videos: Growing catalogue of evidence against police | UK news |

    As Charlie Brooker said on Newswipe, how come all the press and TV crews failed to catch the real story at the time. And they wonder why many of them are doomed. (via Tom Taylor)

  20. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself - Results for “grange hill”

    Fantastic amounts of time wasting. See especially “grange hill,old ,skool” (the “Just Say No” video).

  21. 1,500 of Your Favorite 80’s Videos!

    No idea why it’s at that domain, but there’s enough there to pretend you’re a guest on your own “I Love the 1980s” clip show. (via Ted Mills)

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