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Links tagged with “javascript”

  1. Hiddenloop’s paging_keys_js at master - GitHub

    Could be handy - javascript for doing the j/k up/down navigation thing through a page. (via Kottke)

  2. gRaphaël—Charting JavaScript Library

    That looks very nice indeed. (via Infovore)

  3. Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

    Sounds like an interesting, free, online book for those of us unlikely to learn real programming any time soon. (via Infovore)

  4. Parse JSON with jQuery and JavaScript redux using the Flickr Services API | d’bug

    I’ve read oodles of JavaScript examples on weblogs recently and it’s so nice to occasionally find one that explains things well, has good working examples, and inspires confidence. Shouldn’t be rare, but is.

  5. SWFUpload jQuery Plugin : Adam Royle

    A nice jQuery way to implement the SWFUpload thingummy. (via Yoz)

  6. jQuery slideViewer 1.1

    Wonderfully simple looking javascript slideshow thing. (via Infovore)

  7. Cufón - fonts for the people

    A way to do pretty fonts nicely in web pages other than sIFR. (I haven’t tried it.)

  8. Hacker News | The BBC’s Glow effort has always confused me. They were using jQuery on the main…

    John Resig, the chap behind jQuery, wondering (like many people I imagine) why the BBC wrote its own bespoke JavaScript framework. (via Haddock)

  9. Minify - Google Code

    “Minify is a PHP5 app that can combine multiple CSS or Javascript files, compress their contents, and serve the results with HTTP encoding and headers that allow optimal client-side caching.” (via Dotcode)

  10. Improve your jQuery - 25 excellent tips

    Lots of handy tips for people like me who have only dabbled in jQuery so far. (via Infovore)

  11. Home — genetify — GitHub

    For testing how different ways of doing things on your site are used by people. Sounds good. (via Yoz)

  12. Timeframe

    Very nice calendar selector widget. (via Daring Fireball)

  13. Freaky People Productions » Blog Archive » Google Maps causes Safari 1.3.2 to crash

    If you use the Google Maps API your Javascript may have recently started crashing Safari 1.3.2. This is how to fix it.

  14. Datejs - A JavaScript Date Library » About…

    I’m sure this will come in handy sometime. (via Yoz)

  15. jQuery for JavaScript programmers

    What it says, by Simon Willison. For next time I delve into jQuery. (via Yoz and Blech)

  16. jQuery date picker

    I’ve been dabbling with jQuery and this plugin makes doing just what I wanted as easy as it could be.

  17. SIMILE | Timeline | Documentation

    DHTML thing for creating nice scrollable timelines. (via Yoz)

  18. Quick guide to somewhat advanced JavaScript

    Helping me brush up my entrenched Web 1.0 JavaScript skills.

  19. SortedTable example

    Dynamically sorted and rearranged HTML tables using Javascript.

  20. Particletree · Quick Guide to Prototype

    Another guide to using the Javascript library. One day I’ll use it rather than just post links to documentation. (via Tom Carden)

  21. Top 10 custom JavaScript functions of all time

    Some of the most commonly repeated functions. (via Tim/twisty)

  22. Rico - JavaScript for Rich Internet Applications

    Library for Ajaxy drag-and-drop type stuff, extending prototype.js. (via Tim/twisty)

  23. Using prototype.js v1.3.1

    Unofficial documentation for the Prototype Javascript library. (via Tim)

  24. Edevil’s weblog » Javascript libraries roundup

    Handy collection of Javascript libraries for complicated things for future reference. (via Yoz)

  25. Slashdot | DHTML Utopia

    Review of a book on “Modern web design using JavaScript and DOM”. Ajax and stuff. Sounds good.

  26. Monket Calendar - Wiki -

    Lovely PHPy and Ajaxy calendar interface. Mmmm, the web’s getting nice.

  27. JavaScript Archive Network

    New, could be handy when it fills up a bit.

  28. Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours

    More Ajaxy stuff to investigate when time allows.

  29. Unobtrusive Javascript

    Great, modern, practical guide to good Javascripting

  30. As simple as possible, but no simpler: Mapping Google

    Roughly how the client-side of Google Maps works.

  31. List-based CSS / JavaScript menus

    What it says. Seems to work in most browsers you’d care about, and degrades nicely in others.

  32. JavaScript Rollovers: Introduction - Doc JavaScript

    But frankly, we need to go back to last century to do rollovers that will work everywhere. Sigh.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (827)
  2. london (398)
  3. uk (356)
  4. music (304)
  5. mac (189)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (175)
  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
