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Links tagged with “ios”

  1. Longplay

    iPhone and iOS app that focuses on playing albums. It’s very nice, and not expensive, but I wish there was a Mac version.

  2. Historical timeline maker | Timeline creator for students | Aeon Timeline

    Paid app for Mac, Windows or iOS. Haven’t tried it but looks interesting. (via Ask a MetaFilter)

  3. HouseCurve

    I used this to generate filters I could apply with SoundSource to correct the sound of my desktop speakers. Or, at least, make the graph look better.

  4. VOX Music Player for Mac & iPhone: Unlimited Solution for Music Lovers

    Another alternative to Apple’s Music apps. (via Atlas Minor)

  5. Doppler Music Player for Mac and iOS

    I’m always on the verge of trying an alternative to Apple’s and this looks good. Maybe…

  6. Catalog all your data on Disks, DVDs, and CDs with NeoFinder!

    Looks pretty impressive, for organising music, video, photos (Exif, IPTC, XMP data, and a map). For Mac, plus iOS apps for searching your database. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  7. FSNotes App – Modern notes manager for macOS and iOS

    Another nice looking, open source, notes app with lots of features, including cloud syncing, links between notes, git versioning, inline images, encryption. (via FaveJet)

  8. Organic Maps: Offline Hike, Bike, Trails and Navigation

    Looks like a nice OpenStreetMap-based mapping phone app, with offline maps. Also, open source, and no trackers. (via @MythicBeasts)

  9. Moo Card Player -

    Using NFC tags stuck to Moo cards, triggering iOS Shortcuts, to play albums. Very nice.

  10. Standard Notes | A Simple And Private Notes App

    Looks great. Free simple version, pay-for with lots of powerful extensions. (via @mala)

  11. My Must-Have Apps, 2019 Edition - MacStories

    There are so many “best apps” articles but Federico Viticci’s has lots I hadn’t heard of that sound interesting, and shows a lot of thought. (via Michael Tsai)

  12. Status Board 2

    New major version of Panic’s iPad dashboard app. I’ve never quite got into using v1, although I love the idea.

  13. Tinytype

    “Find default system fonts that exist across common mobile platforms in the form of a handy compatibility table.” (via Daring Fireball)

  14. External Microphones for iPhone 5, 4S, iPad and iPod Touch Audio input | Life is a

    A good roundup of this stuff, although from 2011. I’d like to find a similar thing a bit more recent. Still, always nice to see something quite thorough.

  15. Safari on iOS 7 and HTML5: problems, changes and new APIs | Breaking the Mobile Web

    Very useful look at all the new, improved or broken things in Safari on iOS 7. (via @jamesweiner)

  16. [Updated] The rise and fall of personal computing | asymco

    Just spent a while trying to find these graphs, having seen them once before. So now they’re here. Really interesting, market share of computing platforms since 1975.

  17. Apple’s design problems aren’t skeuomorphic « counternotions

    A really good look at the more fundamental problems with iOS and OS X, how that compares with the old days when the Human Interface Guidelines were the law, and whether one person, Ive, can really keep on top of such a wide range of potential problems. (via Daring Fireball)

  18. Ratchet

    “Prototype iPhone apps with simple HTML, CSS and JS components.” Seems really nice. Less extensive than something like jQuery Mobile, but looks nice and simple to get something up and running quickly.

  19. Skala Preview, a Mac app by Bjango

    Quite magic Mac and iOS app for previewing graphics on iOS devices. Live updates as you change things in Photoshop.

  20. On Developing with PhoneGap | These are maps

    A positive write-up of the experience. (via Migurski)

  21. EightMedia/hammer.js

    “A javascript library that can be used to control gestures on touch devices. It supports the following gestures: Tap; Double tap; Hold; Drag; Transform (pinch).” Seems to work well.

  22. Scottjehl/Hide-Address-Bar · GitHub

    “A normalized approach to hiding the address bar on iOS and Android”

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (831)
  2. london (398)
  3. uk (356)
  4. music (307)
  5. mac (189)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
