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Links tagged with “conferences”

  1. fberriman » Conferences aren’t the problem

    Yes, this is the thing. Our entire industry is not at all diverse, so blaming conference organisers is, often, just avoiding the actual issue. No one’s said “I’m never using [company]’s website/product because they’re nearly all white men.” Because then they’d hardly have any websites/products to use.

  2. Association of Professional Futurists - V-Gathering Futures Festival

    A bit tempted by paying to watch the sessions from this. (via @wendyinfutures)

  3. Sustaining Local Journalism: new ways of funding local reporting | City University London

    One day conference on 13 May. Might be interested for anyone interested in that post I wrote yesterday about funding online news.

  4. Cognitive Cities Conference, 26. & 27. February, Berlin

    Could be interesting, and is in Berlin, and has Hammersley, Greenfield, Voss and others I don’t know. (via @mattb)

  5. 2010 Videos

    Videos of sessions from the Personal Digital Archiving 2010 conference. Haven’t watched anything yet. Did anyone reading this go? How was it?

  6. Call for participation for PDA 2011

    Ooh: Personal Digital Archiving 2011 Conference. Sounds very interesting indeed. Hmm, San Francisco in February… (via Blech)

  7. DecisionLab » FacilitationCamp

    Next Friday and Saturday in Vauxhall. Might be interesting / useful? (via @wendyinfutures)

  8. The Design of Understanding

    This looks like it’ll be good, Max Gadney’s one-day conference at St Bride Library in 2011 about “how ideas are designed to be more understandable”.

  9. Haddock Events

    We’ll be using a Upcoming group (private membership, publicly viewable) to collate interesting events. Feel free to let me know if we miss something.

  10. Russell davies: conference advice

    Bookmarked in the hope some more obscure conferences are recommended.

  11. Russell Davies: a possible date for your diary

    A one-day London conference on interesting things. Could be excellent, although the flood of enthusiastic comments from advertising people don’t get my hopes up.

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