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Links tagged with “photography”

  1. Photographic collection homepage from London transport museum

    More than 16,000 historical photos of London, nicely browsable. You can even add comments to each one. Would be nice if they enlarged bigger, but otherwise fab.

  2. 493. South Park, San Francisco.

    South Park around 1860 or 1870. One of many great old photos on this University of California site.

  3. Matthew Johnston’s slideshow on Flickr - Liberty City vs New York City

    Photos comparing bits of New York with their ‘Grand Theft Auto 4’ counterparts. Amazing and beautiful. Sometimes it’s only the quality of the photos that sets them apart. (via Blackbeltjones)

  4. CR Blog » Blog Archive » The Disappearing World of Soho’s Independent Record Shops

    I was on Berwick St the other day, but didn’t go down far enough to see the demolition opposite Somerfield. I so hope they hang on, but then I buy MP3s over CDs whenever I can, so… (via Alan Connor)

  5. Brent Black Panama Hats - Photo Tour: How a Panama Hat is Made

    Fascinating multi-page photo essay. Quite a process.

  6. Russell davies: copy and paste

    Very nice and easily-created rapid slideshow of a month’s worth of photos. Fab idea.

  7. Color Wars 2008 » Youngme / Nowme

    People submit a photo of themselves as a child, alongside a photo of themself today in the same pose. Some of these are awesome. Whole lives in two photos. Time travel. Hope.

  8. Lina Scheynius (MS Logan Photographic Agency)

    I like this photo and some of her others. I hope it’s this one; stupid, slow, infuriating Flash interface makes it hard to link to stuff. Who commissions this crap (the website, not the photos)?

  9. NUJ Freelance Fees Guide: Photography - Books - rates

    Handy guide to examples of rates for use of photography. (via Haddock)

  10. Tilt-shift miniature fakes - a photoset on Flickr

    Lovely photos of Bristol looking like a teeny tiny toy.

  11. The Morning News - Still Life

    Awesome photo of a shattering ceramic figure. (via Rodcorp)

  12. Flickr: rawprints’ photos tagged with waltononthenaze

    Some awesome shots of Walton-on-the-Naze (and other places if you click around). Inspiring for next time I go there.

  13. EO Newsroom: New Images - San Francisco Skyline

    Fantastic aerial photo, especially if you view the full image. Not that I’m envious of so many people I know moving there or anything, oh no. (via Pulse Laser)

  14. Karen Scott Photography

    Photographer who does actors’ headshots, apparently popular with people at college in the past, for future reference.

  15. Vimeo / everyday video clip (from Noah K.)

    A photo of himself every day for six years, made into a movie. Awesome. If he continued this into old age, until he died… wow, it would be hard to like any work of art more. Stunning. (via Kottke)

  16. Afghanistan 2006 - a photoset on Flickr

    Real life Action Man (“with real typing fingers!”) Ben Hammersley is embedded with the troops in Afghanistan and taking some nice pics. Be careful Ben!

  17. Saturday in the Park with Friends Painting Seurat on the Rock River - a photoset on Flickr

    Recreating a Seurat painting in real life. Lovely, although the positioning of people in the photo is pretty off. (via Drawn!)

  18. Flickr: Photos tagged with mstr

    Museum Street Tea Rooms. Some things are destined to get Flickr’d a lot.

  19. Canon EOS Beginners’ FAQ

    In case I get round to getting one. (via Blech)

  20. Patryk Rebisz - Between You And Me

    Lovely short film shot using a digital still camera. There were a few awkward moments for me, but it looks wonderful and the technology makes it more dreamy. (via Blech)

  21. The New York Review of Books: Summoning the Spirits

    Fascinating article about Victorian mediums, spirit photographers etc. (subscribers only)

  22. Enid Crow Disasters

    Nice Cindy Sherman-esque self portrait photography of characters witnessing disasters. (via Haddock)

  23. Jwz - space junk

    Great photos of bits of rockets that have crashed to earth in and around Russia. (via Haddock)

  24. The Art of DeTouch

    Widget showing how advertising / publicity photos have been retouched. (via Kottke)

  25. Flickr: HDR

    Some lovely photos using the High Dynamic Range merging image feature thing in Photoshop CS2.

  26. Geograph British Isles - photograph every grid square!

    IS this new or have I just not seen it before? “Aims to collect a geographically representative photograph for every square kilometre of the British Isles.” Lovely. Nice Google Earth integration too. (via Tim/twisty)

  27. Aerial Photographs of Mexico City (English)

    Some amazing photos, particularly the two of low income housing. (via Boing Boing)

  28. Open Tech 2005 - a photoset on Flickr

    Lovely medium-format photos of geeks by Matt Locke. Includes me, but my favourites are: Coates, Hammond, Nelson, Webb.

  29. oe magazine - photofakery

    Guide to spotting fake photos (via Yoz via Kottke)

  30. Trains :: NYC High Line, 02/2004 (

    I love the subtle navigation on Jason’s new photo library pages.

  31. Flickr: Photos from StefZ

    Great photos of London. I must get out more.

  32. Photographers’ Rights in the UK (PDF)

    Two sides of A4 on what you can and can’t take photos of in this country.

  33. Bowblog: Got Bokeh?

    I’ve always loved out-of-focus backgrounds in ‘Sight and Sound’

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