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Links tagged with “language”

  1. Language Transfer

    Free audio courses for several languages. “Memorization is the most inefficient way of remembering.” (via Reddit somewhere)

  2. German resources - A language learners’ forum

    Lots of courses, exercises, exams, etc. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  3. German exercises - practice grammar online

    More of this. It helps me just to keep doing exercises but I soon exhaust any individual site. (vis Ask MetaFilter)

  4. Teaching Materials • Lehrmaterialien

    Low-tech but good and extensive German-language-learning worksheets and tests.

  5. Amia Srinivasan · He, She, One, They, Ho, Hus, Hum, Ita: How Should I Refer to You? · LRB 2 July 2020

    I had no idea there had been quite so many attempts to come up with gender-neutral pronouns for quite so long.

  6. Free German Online Courses Level A1 to B1 | DW Learn German

    These seem really good, especially for free. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  7. ‘Boomerspeak’ Is Now Available for Your Parodying Pleasure | WIRED

    Fascinating. I use ellipses a lot myself but I don’t think I use them as randomly, or to end messages, as much as some older people seem to. Which comes across as passive aggressive apparently… (via Waxy)

  8. It’s not like taxi apparently - pronounciation | Ask MetaFilter

    Fascinating and unintentionally amusing thread in which people with different accents attempt to descibe precisely how words are pronounced.

  9. The Linguistic Evolution of ‘Like’ - The Atlantic

    On the recent uses of “like” in English. More interesting than I expected and, thankfully, not at all condescending.

  10. Slow German - Lerne alles über Deutschland!

    A podcast about Germany, in German, but spoken slowly and clearly to help with learning.

  11. Wired Style: A Linguist Explains Vintage Internet Slang - The Toast

    On the 1990s Wired style guide. ‘It’s like a “no dress code” workplace where everyone miraculously shows up in the same plaid button-down: informal, but tightly conscribed.’ (via Russell Davies)

  12. The Eggcorn Database

    “This site is devoted to collecting the kind of unusual English spellings that have come to be called eggcorns.” Great reading. (via @joroach)

  13. Europe etymology maps 1

    Maps showing which European countries use different common-ish words for something, and where those terms originated. (via @tomcoates)

  14. Will someone rid me of this turbulent language | Robinince’s Blog

    On the Ricky Gervais “mong” debacle. It’s thoughtful posts like this that confirm how ineffectual tweets are for serious, nuanced discussions. (via @D_Nye_Griffiths)

  15. Why Twitter’s Oral Culture Irritates Bill Keller (and why this is an important issue) | technosociology

    Very good, and worth some time. On how Twitter is conversation, and how that compares with written language that some people are concerned is threatened by social media. (via @blech)

  16. LRB · Daniel Soar · Short Cuts

    Fascinating, brief, look at the US government’s interest in analysing metaphors in foreign languages for security purposes. Well worth a read if you write, talk or think.

  17. LRB · David Runciman · Look…

    For this: “a new divide in British public life: between the people who say ‘Look…’ and the people who say ‘So…’”

  18. Alibi_factory: There’s only one person in the world who decides what I’m going to do, and that’s me.

    I love those Doctor Who/Citizen Kane stills compared. I also simultaneously love and hate the barely comprehensible syntax of the enthusiastic writing. “WHAT GIANT DOLLS O NO. Nightmare fuel for days.” (via Haddock)

  19. “Login” is not a verb

    I’m forever correcting this when I make other peoples’ designs into web pages.

  20. List: Starbucks Terms of Art

    A list of jargon used by Starbucks employees. Industry phrases always fascinate me but… how about explanation of what they mean? (via Waxy)

  21. Smarty Gettext

    This *seems* like the best of many cobbled-together ways to do language localisation with PHP and Smarty, but I haven’t tried it yet. Any other suggestions…?

  22. - Dictionary Translation Japanese/Chinese/Korean/Kanji/Hanzi

    Could be handy, but boy, do they ever need some decent info design to make whatever it is they do comprehensible.

  23. The relevance of

    It’s, like, hard to understand. Innit.

  24. Ethnologue, Web Version

    Browsable database of information about which languages are spoken in which countries, and lots of details about each language.

  25. Interesting Ian Jack article on how kids describe past events in the present tense

    Although it tails off into irrelevant self-indulgence towards the end.

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