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Links tagged with “accessibility”

  1. Patterns | APG | WAI | W3C

    “This guide describes how to apply accessibility semantics to common design patterns and widgets. It provides design patterns and functional examples complemented by in-depth guidance for fundamental practices.” Very handy. (via Adactio)

  2. A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components — Smashing Magazine

    Very handy collection of links to articles. (via @simonw)

  3. WAI-ARIA 1.0 Authoring Practices - Design Patterns

    Lots of different types of web interface control and the accessibility interactions, roles, states, etc they should have, with links to examples.

  4. Alice Bartlett: Burn your select tags - EpicFEL 2014 - YouTube

    Good talk from Alice about user research resulting in GDS avoiding HTML select tags and creating alternatives.

  5. DWP - Services and benefits online - What do I need?

    Staggeringly shit. The service was designed to work with Internet Explorer versions 5 through 6 on (old) Windows only. One assumes the GOV.UK accessibility shock troops will roll into town eventually.

  6. Colour Contrast Check -

    Handy and nicely-done tool for checking the contrast of colour combinations when designing websites.

  7. Recent Web Accessibility Articles - ::

    Some handy articles on developing accessibly.

  8. Creating accessible forms

    Clear, simple, everything you need to know.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (831)
  2. london (398)
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  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
