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Links tagged with “police”

  1. Inside The Federal Bureau Of Way Too Many Guns | GQ

    How the non-computerised method of finding out who bought a particular gun, from its make and serial number, works in the US. Crazy.

  2. Met Police encourages Twitter pile-ons (with images, tweets) · anyabike · Storify

    Interesting, in an unpleasant way, to see how Twitter etiquette, and tone of voice, and the blurry lines between personal / professional Twitter accounts make this kind of thing get a bit horrible. (via @mildlydiverting)

  3. Kettling 2.0: The Olympic State of Exception and TSG Action Figures | Games Monitor

    For the large bit on the portable steel cordons the UK police originally acquired for “Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear” situations and are now using to contain protestors. I’d be a bit shocked if I saw police in, say, a Middle Eastern country using these against peaceful protestors, and now…

  4. Why I Feel Bad for the Pepper-Spraying Policeman, Lt. John Pike - Atlantic Mobile

    Tracing the increasing militarisation of the US police, and the use of what was once drastic force to stamp out any behaviour deemed slightly abnormal.

  5. James Lasdun · Diary: Police procedurals · LRB 8 September 2011

    Really interesting account by a curious writer of using a (US) police department’s Firearms Training Simulator. (Subscribers only)

  6. BBC - Barnsley girl’s account of violence at fees protest

    Sometimes I can’t believe I wanted to be a policeman when I was a kid. So angry. (via @stml)

  7. G20 protest videos: Growing catalogue of evidence against police | UK news |

    As Charlie Brooker said on Newswipe, how come all the press and TV crews failed to catch the real story at the time. And they wonder why many of them are doomed. (via Tom Taylor)

  8. G20: Did police containment cause more trouble than it prevented? | World news |

    “…people thinking about embarking on demonstrations in the future may have to decide whether they want to be effectively locked up for eight hours without food or water and, when leaving, to be photographed and identified.” I’m increasingly disliking this country. (via Preoccupations)

  9. Indymedia London | Videos | Show | film of police attack on G20 climate camp

    There have been worse examples of police violence, but this still isn’t good. (via Boing Boing)

  10. Chris Heathcote: anti-mega: the kids are alright

    And while I’m at it, Chris’s post from a few weeks back. What kind of country are we living in now? We’ll need someone to invade the UK and “liberate” us soon.

  11. London cops reach new heights of anti-terror poster stupidity - Boing Boing

    It’s hard to believe these posters aren’t some kind of parody. And it’s hard to react without using clichés (1984, Orwellian, etc).

  12. Innocent in London

    Fascinating and scary account of being arrested for acting very slightly suspiciously. I don’t want to go out.

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