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Links tagged with “fiction”

  1. Help me make a world history syllabus out of novels - books | Ask MetaFilter

    I don’t often read historical novels, but I like this idea.

  2. Post-post-collapse fiction? - scifi sf sciencefiction | Ask MetaFilter

    “fiction taking place after society has begun to rebuild itself” (via Things Magazine)

  3. Max Sebald’s Writing Tips - Richard Skinner

    W.G. Sebald. I love tips on how to write, and the illusion they give me that I’ll write something great one day. (via @HariKunzru)

  4. Neal Stephenson Responds With Wit and Humor - Slashdot

    I’ve only read the answer to question 2, but that’s worth linking to alone. On the difference between two different worlds of writers. “The reason she’d never heard of me was because I was famous.” (via @JamesBridle)

  5. Near Future Laboratory » Blog Archive » Hint Fiction — Short Evocations of Larger Stories

    “Fictional stories done in 25 words or less.” I’d just been thinking recently about writing future scenarios that are one sentence long.

  6. Near Future Laboratory » Blog Archive » Hint Fiction — Short Evocations of Larger Stories

    “Fictional stories done in 25 words or less.” I’d just been thinking recently about writing future scenarios that are one sentence long.

  7. Ten rules for writing fiction | Books |

    Finally got round to reading this. Is good and interesting like everyone said in February.

  8. Warren Ellis » Want/Get/Do

    Nice and simple advice about getting a basic thread for a story from a rough idea.

  9. David Mamet’s Master Class Memo to the Writers of The Unit | Movieline

    I’m a sucker for writing tips, whatever medium they’re intended for. (via Daring Fireball)

  10. Alice and Kev

    A tale of two homeless Sims. Read the Introduction then every page. It’s wonderful. (via Wonderland)

  11. » Take away the questions

    Following on from those time travel rules: “In any script, look for scenes in which characters answer questions, and try to find ways to take the questions away.”

  12. Books

    Ooh, Ben Moor has a book out, short story versions of his wonderful one man shows.

  13. “Travellers Back in Time”

    I collected all the fiction mentioned in the Kottke and Marginal Revolution posts about “How would you survive if you travelled back to 1000AD?” and made them into an Amazon Listmania list.

  14. The Hemingway Challenge « Gauravonomics

    25 six word stories from famous authors, plenty better than this week’s much-linked-to few in Wired, but still non as good as Hemingway’s.

  15. 55 word stories

    Some lovely stories here, conveniently short and ideally suited to the short-haul commuter or the busy housewife. (via Said the Gramophone)

  16. I was never any good at sports… | Ask MetaFilter

    Recommended sprawling post-modern novels, for if I ever finish the ones currently on my shelf. (via Chris, not Tom Carden (my feeds are all a blur))

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