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Links tagged with “data”

  1. Planet parts: Global data streams

    “Near-realtime Earth observation resources” A good collection, for future reference.

  2. dariusk/corpora · GitHub

    JSON files of lots of odd sets of data for making stuff with. I keep thinking of it as Pears Cyclopedia in JSON form. (via @tomtaylor)

  3. Country statistics — DataMarket

    Lots of nice statistics, presented in a decent, usable way. So many of the international organisation sites with this stuff are appalling. (via @johndodds)

  4. Google-refine - Project Hosting on Google Code

    Looks very nice - an interface to sort, search, cluster, refine, and generally tidy up large datasets. (via Waxy)

  5. Dataists

    “Our goal is to bring well-written articles on big data processing, statistics and statistical programming, and machine learning to one place.” (via BERG)

  6. Pay as you go sim with data Wiki

    This could be very handy when going to Abroad.

  7. Statistical analysis, data and graphing | Timetric: making data useful

    Datagasm. Loads of data sets available for analysing, exporting, monitoring, fiddling with, etc. (via Blackbeltjones)

  8. Simon Jenkins: Here’s proof. The innocent do have something to fear | Comment is free | The Guardian

    “One of the few home secretaries who dominated his department rather than be cowed by it was Lord Whitelaw in the 1980s. He boasted how after any security lapse, the police would come to beg for new and draconian powers. He laughed and sent them packing…” (via Preoccupations)

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (831)
  2. london (398)
  3. uk (356)
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  5. mac (189)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
