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Links tagged with “college”

  1. Deep Springs College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    26 students, no fees, isolated location, students and staff all work on the ranch/farm. (via The New York Review of Books)

  2. LISPA - School - Information - Film

    LISPA has a new website and a promotional film. The pictures at the top are people from my year, the film features people from the year above. Very strange, and lovely, to see and hear all this stuff again.

  3. Times Higher Education - All the privileged must have prizes

    About teaching at Harvard and the sense of entitlement the kids there have. (via Kottke)

  4. The American Scholar - The Disadvantages of an Elite Education - By William Deresiewicz

    Great measured rant about what Ivy League educated kids are missing out on. (via Kottke)

  5. Colleges and Universities - Education and Schools - Engineering - Technology - Science - New York Times

    Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering sounds different in a good way. “Learning the skill of how to learn is more important than trying to fill every possible cup of knowledge in every possible discipline.” (via Blech)

  6. Russell davies: studying graphic design

    Lots of advice in the comments about where to do a graphic design degree (no recommendations for UWE where I went…).

  7. The Pmarca Guide to Career Planning, part 2: Skills and education

    Marc Andreesen’s interesting guide to what you should study at college if you’re Marc Andreesen. (via Rodcorp)

  8. The Actor Works » Home

    Acting school in London that a friend is currently at.

  9. Bristol school of art media & design - UWE Bristol - Major Redevelopment for Bower Ashton Campus

    My old college is having a £11.5 million makeover. I can’t work out if our old “giraffe house” building is to be replaced or not.

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  1. webdevelopment (831)
  2. london (398)
  3. uk (356)
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  6. javascript (187)
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  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
