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  1. No one belongs here more than you. Stories by Miranda July

    Wonderful site that shows breaking all the rules can work if you do it with a flourish. (via Daring Fireball)

  2. Noisy Decent Graphics: Interesting 2007

    Fantastic ideas for doing all the supporting graphic/ product/ identity design around the Interesting 2007 mini conference. Lots of re-use of materials, very nice. (via Blackbeltjones)

  3. Bible Study for Atheists

    A chapter of the Bible per weblog entry, with commentary. Wish I’d heard about this when it started, as I’d like to know more of the Bible.

  4. What do you do when your success … sucks? (Skrentablog)

    A look at how Topix worked out why the site didn’t work and what they did about it. (via Haddock)

  5. jQuery date picker

    I’ve been dabbling with jQuery and this plugin makes doing just what I wanted as easy as it could be.

  6. Good dim sum in London? | Ask MetaFilter

    Lots of places I’ve never heard of (which isn’t surprising). (via ChrisDodo)

  7. Swobo Bikes - Otis

    Currently fancying this bike a lot. But it’s only mail order from the US. And maybe I’d prefer a more upright, old-fashioned bike. (via Haddock)

  8. Pollutr - social pollution

    I looked up this URL, inspired by… I wonder what this site will be. Registered to

  9. Robotlab - art | installation | research

    Industrial robotic arms repurposed as super-accurate DJs. (via Schluze & Webb)

  10. BBC NEWS | In pictures: Life in Stanley, Growing numbers

    Nice pictures, although the car is as unrepresentative as if it was a shot of London. Most Falklands motors are Land Rovers or Japanese 4x4s. Nice that they correctly call it Stanley instead of Port Stanley, unlike most media stories.

  11. Mux any-to-any video converter by cruxy

    Converts YouTube or most other video types to your chosen format, emails you when it’s done. (via Haddock)

  12. Russell Davies: a possible date for your diary

    A one-day London conference on interesting things. Could be excellent, although the flood of enthusiastic comments from advertising people don’t get my hopes up.

  13. The Super Stunt

    Fantastic read of a huge and expensive prank at the Super Bowl. (via Kottke)

  14. Goodbye to All That by Joan Didion

    I read this essay in ‘Slouching Towards Bethlehem’ and loved it (and others). About moving to New York, but some of it reminded me of when I moved to London and how my relationship to the place has changed.

  15. The Perfumed Garden: Brian Eno & The Winkies - 5th March 1974

    I had no idea Eno did a Peel Session, but here it is!

  16. Actors Temple

    Meisner-based acting teaching in London, with an unusually nifty website too, even if their name seems to have lost an apostrophe somewhere.

  17. Meisnertalk : Students of the Meisner Technique

    Not sure how useful it will be, but reading other actors sharing worries and tips is quite good so far.

  18. Sanford Meisner Master Class DVDs

    This looks like it’d be good. Eight hours of Meisner teaching from the 1980s.

  19. Flickr: Search “barbican” -architecture, posted between 03/09/2007 and 03/11/2007

    On Saturday we passed a bunch of adults by the Barbican lakes with loads of dolls. And here they all are on Flickr. A craze (Blythe dolls) of which I was previously unaware.

  20. Knuth versus Email

    Donald Knuth gave up on email in 1990, after fifteen years. (via Kottke)

  21. BBC - BBC TWO - Everything

    BBC 2’s site has three main navigational items: Home, Everything and TV Listings. And “Everything” isn’t nearly as comprehensive as you might hope. Craziness.

  22. The New Yorker

    There’s lots of pointing at the redesign but few pointing out that links look like plain text. Precious bloody designers thinking links look “ugly”, I bet. Hello? You’re making a website, not a magazine! Come join us in the 21st century.

  23. - Tom Cruise’s Starring Role in Watchmen Narrowly Averted

    Phew indeed, but there’s other interesting stuff about this inevitable project. “Your movie audience is basically where your comic book audience was when the graphic novel was written.” (via Haddock)

  24. Plantar fasciitis, heel spur, heel pain

    I’ve belatedly discovered that might be what I have (or hopefully “had”). Feeling mostly better after two weeks’ break from college and a longer break from running though…

  25. YouTube - Radiohead - Creep (1st time on tv?) 1993

    Even earlier, on Gary Crowley’s ‘The Beat’. Odd sound mix makes it sound like he’s alone in his bedroom screaming along to an underpowered stereo. Fab.

  26. YouTube - Radiohead - Creep Live 94

    I’m such an indie kid, but this was great stuff. Shivers down my spine. (via Kottke)

  27. LRB | Barry Schwartz : Stop the treadmill!

    Interesting review of what sounds like a fascinating book: ‘The Challenge of Affluence: Self-Control and Well-Being in the United States and Britain since 1950’ by Avner Offer. (Subscribers only unfortunately.)

  28. Disambiguity - » Ambient Intimacy

    Excellent stuff on following friends in Twitter, Flickr, etc. I must try and remember some of this for all those times I try and explain my online life to non-geek friends who look at me like I’m some weird stalking nerd. (via Yoz)