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Links tagged with “craft”

  1. Papercraft Models — Rocky Bergen

    For a rainy day. (via Things Magazine)

  2. The Sewing Forum

    “A UK based international forum for crafty people”.

  3. Made by Hand

    I like what the subjects of this series are doing but (and I may be overly cynical) these narrow-focused, American-sincerity videos are a hand-crafted inch from parody.

  4. Melin Maildy

    I’m enjoying this blog, chronicling one person preparing to make and sell things they knit. Suppliers, materials, processes, etc. (via @hiutdenim)

  5. Beauty Through Bamboo on Vimeo

    Nice video watching John Cho Moore hand-making one of his good-looking bags, using bamboo as a frame. (via Lineage of Influence)

  6. Grain & Gram — The New Gentlemans Journal / The Exchange / A Conversation With Roy Slaper

    An interview with a man who started hand-making jeans, with no experience, and now does it full time. (via @hiutdenim)

  7. The Cutter and Tailor

    A forum for professionals. You know, for when Ask Andy About Clothes and Style Forum don’t quite get down to the nitty gritty.

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  1. webdevelopment (833)
  2. london (399)
  3. uk (357)
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  8. history (161)
  9. css (161)
  10. maps (159)
