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Links tagged with “comments”

  1. A Small Dark Detour

    On the people who posted negative commentd about Jason Scott’s manual-saving effort. I’m increasingly thinking the net turns too many people into the kind of heckler who thinks they’re “helping” the performer.

  2. Isso – a commenting server similar to Disqus

    Open source, self-hosted commenting system. Lovely idea, although my heart sank at the thought of installing a python web application. I can’t help thinking PHP would be more useful for people making otherwise-static web sites. (via Brett Terpstra)

  3. MCEngine – The micro-comment engine |

    Another WordPress plugin for adding ability to comment on paragraphs (or just add “Winer Links” linkable paragraphs). Ah, it’s a newer, better version of feedbackBP. Sounds very good, can’t see any example though.

  4. WordPress › Feedback by Paragraph (feedbackBP) « WordPress Plugins

    “This plugin allows users to leave comments at paragraph level as well as post level.” One of a few things that do this. Last updated in 2009… Update: Oh, replaced by MCEngine now.

  5. Comment Challenge plugin

    Apparently is (still) effective at stopping Movable Type comment spam. I feel like I’ve gone back in time several years.

  6. Obama London: Inexplicable Edits on Sarah Palin’s Facebook Page

    It’s fascinating how quickly Palin’s team remove comments (and fair enough; it’s their page). It’s annoying how many people shout that this is “censorship”, as if they wouldn’t do the same if the tables were turned.


    A WordPress plugin (and more) that adds the ability to comment on paragraphs of a text (like CommentPress I guess?). The UI feels a little clunky.

  8. Commentpress

    “An open source theme and plugin for the WordPress blogging engine that allows readers to comment paragraph by paragraph in the margins of a text.”

  9. Movable Type Knowledge Base: List Recent Comments

    Displaying the most recently-commented-on Entries.

  10. Gumbaby

    Collecting comments left on vaguely-related websites by people thinking they’re contacting a famous person. I still occasionally get comments left by people talking to Jamie Oliver.

  11. spEak You’re bRanes

    Amazing but depressing selection of comments left on the BBC ‘Have Your Say’ site. cf Mitchell & Webb’s “You may not know anything about the issue, but I bet you reckon something.” (via Ben Hammersley)

  12. CoComment - Join the conversation

    Maybe this would be a more useful place to store where I make comments on sites, rather than a text file. (via Haddock)

  13. Solid Wall of Code: AutoBan

    Movable Type plug-in that automatically updates an .htaccess file with IP addresses posting spam comments/trackbacks to your site, banning them.

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