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Links tagged with “commenting”

  1. MCEngine – The micro-comment engine |

    Another WordPress plugin for adding ability to comment on paragraphs (or just add “Winer Links” linkable paragraphs). Ah, it’s a newer, better version of feedbackBP. Sounds very good, can’t see any example though.

  2. WordPress › Feedback by Paragraph (feedbackBP) « WordPress Plugins

    “This plugin allows users to leave comments at paragraph level as well as post level.” One of a few things that do this. Last updated in 2009… Update: Oh, replaced by MCEngine now.


    A WordPress plugin (and more) that adds the ability to comment on paragraphs of a text (like CommentPress I guess?). The UI feels a little clunky.

  4. Commentpress

    “An open source theme and plugin for the WordPress blogging engine that allows readers to comment paragraph by paragraph in the margins of a text.”

  5. Write to Reply

    Aims to provide a way to comment on individual paragraphs of public reports (starting with ‘Digital Britain’). Great stuff (not sure about the way comments are integrated (or not) though).

  6. The Django Book: Version 2.0 (English)

    Lets people attach comments to individual paragraphs. Quite nicely done compared to some similar implementations (eg, BookGlutton, CommentPress).

  7. CoComment - Join the conversation

    Maybe this would be a more useful place to store where I make comments on sites, rather than a text file. (via Haddock)

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