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Links tagged with “andrewohagan”

  1. Singing the Back Streets | by Andrew O’Hagan | The New York Review of Books

    I knew nothing about Nelson Algren and this was interesting and beautifully written.

  2. Andrew O’Hagan · I’m being a singer: Dandy Highwaymen · LRB 8 October 2020

    On the New Romantics. “It turns out that the inheritors of punk were not those little indie bands I loved … Male indie kids were completely conventional, scrubbed boys, who went to the same barbers as their fathers, supported the same football teams, and wore the same aftershave.”

  3. Andrew O’Hagan · Seventy Years in a Colourful Trade: The Soho Alphabet · LRB 16 July 2020

    I enjoyed this portrait of a Soho despite, or because of, being unfamiliar with that world.

  4. The Satoshi Affair (London Review of Books)

    An entertaining long read by Andrew O’Hagan about Craig Wright proving that he’s Satoshi Nakamoto.

  5. Andrew O’Hagan · Ghosting: Julian Assange · LRB 6 March 2014

    This very long piece about failing to ghost-write Julian Assange’s biography is as good as everyone said it was.

  6. Light Entertainment (London Review of Books)

    Andrew O’Hagan on Jimmy Savile etc. Quite good on the general difference in TV and radio culture in the 50s/60s/70s, although it still feels like a very brief skim over the hard-to-grasp era/topic/atmosphere. (A bit late to this, catching up.)

  7. LRB | Andrew O’Hagan : The Things We Throw Away

    Wonderful essay about the UK’s rubbish and recycling. Well worth reading. “Throwing things away has been so essential to our sense of how to live that we forget we invented the process just to increase our pleasures.”

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