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  1. Architect’s Footprints shoes from Birkenstock

    Why does no one in the UK appear to sell these things? I want comfy shoes!

  2. MP3 blogs: defining fair use

    Includes a list of links to weblogs that post MP3s for download.

  3. Seven tricks that Web users don’t know

    A brief summary of someone’s experience of performing user tests. Excellent ammunition.

  4. Creating accessible forms

    Clear, simple, everything you need to know.

  5. Scripting Eudora - getting set up

    It’s taken me the best part of an hour to find Eudora’s hidden Scripts folder. Grrr.

  6. BBC - East Midlands - Tour - Graphics - The Graphics Guy

    Every so often I Google for friends I’ve lost touch with. Occasionally they pop up. Hello Harry Whinney!

  7. Dracos - IE CSS bugs when using floats and background-color

    Another nasty Internet Explorer problem I was having the other day.

  8. Stopdesign | The IE Factor

    I wonder how much time has been globally wasted thanks to Internet Explorer’s awful handling of CSS.

  9. Stopdesign | The New Blogger

    Doug Bowman on redesigning Blogger.

  10. Lineto fonts

    Font catalogue demonstrated using live BBC News headlines.

  11. Archigram

    Their Design Museum exhibition is quite good but mostly like looking at a big coffee table book of 2000AD artwork. Needed more explanation, context and background.

  12. BBC Radio 3 - Building a Jazz Library

    Not as good as the NPR one, and oddly focuses on individual tracks, rather than albums.

  13. NPR Basic Jazz Record Library

    With discussion about each album in audio or transcript form.

  14. Bush administration strips info on women’s issues from government web sites

    Ridiculous wars are bad enough, but somehow the rewriting of science and history seems even more scary.

  15. Guardian Unlimited | Arts reviews | Oleanna, Garrick, London

    Saw this last night: David Mamet and Julia Stiles… heaven! Although the review’s right about the unfortunate lack of ambiguity.

  16. HistoryHound - Search web pages you’ve visited in Safari

    Builds a more permanent index from your temporary Safari cache. Sounds fantastic. If only I used Safari….

  17. Pepys’ Diary: Tuesday 23 April 1661

    The coronation of Charles II makes for an excellent couple of days for Samuel:

  18. Los Angeles Department of Water and Power: Trees for a Green LA

    They give free trees to residents because more trees means greater energy savings.

  19. iCalViewer

    Can show your iCal events and to do’s on your desktop, travelling right-to-left as time moves on. Awesome.

  20. IMDB’s Alternate Interfaces

    Nice to see the IMDB still makes its data available. there must be interesting things one could do with this…

  21. 20 years of 4AD records

    Coincidentally, I’ve been playing Red House Painters for 8 hours so far today. It’s that kind of day.

  22. The Spy School

    Not-yet-made movie constructed from requested CCTV footage of the director. The plot could use some work I think.