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Links tagged with “millennials”

  1. The Balletic Millennial Bedtimes of ‘Normal People’ | Lorrie Moore | The New York Review of Books

    From 2020. I liked, about millennials, “They have no authentic counterculture…”. If all culture is easily accessible, can there be any counter? (I don’t know if this is right, but interesting.)

  2. Why Generation X will save the web - Hi, I’m Heather Burns

    I enjoyed this, about millennials making government policy based on the internet *they* know. But it doesn’t answer the title’s “Why”, and the “under 30s” is no longer a definition of millennials. (via Adactio)

  3. Gen Z Is Making Fun Of Millennials On TikTok

    I’ve enjoyed the relationships between generations since Gen X, so. (via Please Like Me)

  4. Will the Millennial Aesthetic Ever End?

    “If you simultaneously can’t afford any frills and can’t afford any failure, you end up with millennial design: crowd-pleasing, risk-averse, calling just enough attention to itself to make it clear that you tried.” (via FaveJet)

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