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Links tagged with “ianbetteridge”

  1. :en Metcalfe Blog » Blog Archive » Finally, BBC Weather RSS and JSON feeds

    What a mess. “Do you know that I have a history of doing this?? It’s expected of me.” This isn’t a successful line of defence in a courtroom and it doesn’t work here either.

  2. Technovia: What to do when a PC goes wrong

    Ian’s excellent guide to what to do if something you buy (not just a PC) goes wrong.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (833)
  2. london (399)
  3. uk (357)
  4. music (308)
  5. mac (190)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. css (161)
  10. maps (159)
