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Links tagged with “brianeno”

  1. JavaScript Systems Music

    “Learning Web Audio by Recreating The Works of Steve Reich and Brian Eno.” Step-by-step examples, really nicely explained.

  2. My Life in the Bush of Ghosts: WATCH

    Photos from Eno and Byrne’s 1981(?) recording session. (via The Online Photographer)

  3. Spoogeworld lost musical documentation

    Includes a scan of a page from ‘Keyboard’ magazine in 1987 which shows you Brian Eno’s favourite patches for the Yamaha DX7 for you to tap in.

  4. Guest DJ Brian Eno : NPR

    Eno on ‘All Songs Considered’ discussing some music. I must make time to listen. (via Ted Mills)

  5. Frieze Magazine | Archive | Degree Zero

    I’m fascinated by art Foundation-type courses and Roy Ascott’s ‘Groundcourse’ from the 1960s, which Eno did, sounds intriguing. (via Preoccupations)

  6. Click opera - Art students (called Brian) observed

    The student days of Brian Eno. (via Blackbeltjones)

  7. Conceptual Trends and Current Topics - Unthinkable Futures

    I like this kind of “thinking the unthinkable” as a way to come up with new ideas about what the future could be. So easy to get stuck thinking about the most likely outcomes otherwise.

  8. BigO Worldwide - Brian Eno, Joanna MacGregor and Bath Camerata

    MP3s of a concert at Bath Abbey in 2006. ‘Music for Airports’ performed live for the first time is pretty good.

  9. The Perfumed Garden: Brian Eno & The Winkies - 5th March 1974

    I had no idea Eno did a Peel Session, but here it is!

  10. BBC - Radio 3 - Mixing It - 8 July 2005

    Brian Eno will be interviewed on Mixing It this Friday.

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