2011-11-11 (Friday)
Comments I've posted on other sites
Rip it up! « Matthew Sheret
As we tweeted yesterday, I really liked those chapters. For me, the bits that didn’t quite fit were…
Sycorax: Bring Fictional Characters to Life on Twitter
“Sycorax is a Twitter client, written in Python, that choreographs the online behavior of fictional characters.” Very nice. Introduces slight randomness, characters interacting, etc. (via Infovore)
Wstonesoxfordst · Storify
The collected tweets of @wstonesoxfordst. ‘The Bookshop of Babel’ was quite fun.
straup/parallel-flickr @ GitHub
Wonderful. Aaron Straup Cope’s project to allow a self-hosted mirror of your Flickr photos, with all their data, permissions and same-structure URLs. (via Waxy)
@tomtaylor I think ‘Power of Love’ was a Drivetime highlight a few weeks ago too. Good move.
@tedmills Good luck! And I sympathise with the pain of moving.
@csi_popmusic Not really just “snobs”... seems to be used, for ex., by Tea Party folks to refer to what they see as hoodwinked Obama lovers.
Maybe they should trade in their company's rooftop vegetable garden and beehives FOR SOME WATCHES.
City of London, England, United Kingdom
That is, I'll leave when the Wolff Olins people stop overrunning with their talk about what a lovely world-saving family they are.
City of London, England, United Kingdom
About to head home early. Some interesting talks, but too much listening, not enough doing. Fingers getting twitchy. Must do.
City of London, England, United Kingdom
Talking for 45 minutes when you've got a 30 minute slot is just plain rude.
City of London, England, United Kingdom
@pixellent Some of that but plenty of tangents and stories and thoughts and jokes too. Still nervous though.
@pixellent (Consider that one @ you.)
Vaughan Oliver was ace. Lovely work, funny chap, very down to earth, and finishing with a David Sylvian-soundtracked slideshow. #sbfcritical
City of London, England, United Kingdom
@tedmills Where are you moving?
Both the 20 and 40 year old mes are excited to be about to hear Vaughan Oliver talk about his work. lockerz.com/s/155141424
City of London, England, United Kingdom