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Links tagged with “tomcrewe”

  1. Tom Crewe · Carnival of Self-Harm: Good Riddance to the Tories

    Even having lived through this mess, it’s shocking to read how badly successive Tory governments have screwed the country.

  2. Tom Crewe · A Girl Called Retina: You’ll like it when you get there · LRB 13 August 2020

    The first half of this especially good, full of jolly entertaining anecdotes about mid 20th century girls’ boarding schools.

  3. Tom Crewe reviews ‘How to Survive a Plague’ … · LRB 27 September 2018

    If you were too young, straight, insulated or ignorant to fully grasp what Aids meant and means, this is a long and sobering read.

  4. Tom Crewe · What will be left?: Labour’s Prospects · LRB 18 May 2017

    Slightly out of date opinion poll-wise, but I liked this as a summary of where Labour is and how we, as a country, got here.

  5. The Strange Death of Municipal England (London Review of Books)

    A good read, especially if you’re feeling all full of optimism about a new year and need to be brought crashing back to earth.

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