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Links tagged with “mac”

  1. RFC: PHP’s PEAR Broken in 10.3?

    How to get PEAR to work in Mac OS X. Easy when you know how.

  2. Monolingual

    Mac OS X app for removing un-needed language files, if you forgot to disable them when installing the system. Saved myself a few hundred MB.

  3. 43 Folders: OSX inventories, tips

    Very handy list of links to peoples’ collections of tips for getting the most from your Mac.

  4. About Desktop Manager

    Been using this for a few days now, and it’s invaluable if you only have one screen.

  5. 43 Folders - A bunch of tricks, hacks

    Loving this weblog about being organised, particularly using OS X. Makes me feel like a woolly-minded scatterbrain by comparison.

  6. SCPlugin

    Mac OS X Finder plugin providing an interface to Subversion (and one day, CVS). In case I ever need it.

  7. Collage - An iTunes Visual Plugin

    Displays images off of the Internet depending on the currently playing tune. Best when the images are apparently unrelated, like a no-budget interpretive video.

  8. Matt’s PowerBook problems

    I love using Macs, mostly. But Apple’s customer service is atrocious. Good luck Matt.

  9. Mac OS X port of Graphviz

    I’ve re-done my only Graphviz graph in Omnigraffle, but this might be handy at some point.

  10. Open Terminal Here

    Handy AppleScript that opens a Terminal session in the current Finder directory (or in any folders you drop on it).

  11. Scripting Eudora - getting set up

    It’s taken me the best part of an hour to find Eudora’s hidden Scripts folder. Grrr.

  12. HistoryHound - Search web pages you’ve visited in Safari

    Builds a more permanent index from your temporary Safari cache. Sounds fantastic. If only I used Safari….

  13. iCalViewer

    Can show your iCal events and to do’s on your desktop, travelling right-to-left as time moves on. Awesome.

  14. How to type French characters

    Because, like Blech on 2lmc, I’ll need to do this on a Windows machine at some point and I’ve never understood how to do that.

  15. VLC: Cross-platform multi-format media player

    Plays more formats than Mac OS X’s Quicktime Player.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (827)
  2. london (398)
  3. uk (356)
  4. music (304)
  5. mac (189)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (175)
  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
