2016-07-07 (Thursday)
Why We Need to Pick Up Alvin Toffler’s Torch - The New York Times
About how futurism isn’t really done any more. Although he only talks to one (maybe) futurist. (via @MikeForester)
@iamseb Ta. I’m torn between that maybe making some of the process easier, or it being another layer of confusion.
Imagine a version of Amazon S3 that’s easy to use and set up. IMAGINE!
Andrea Leadsom was the first woman to set foot on the moon.
(She has seen the moon on several occasions.)
Andrea Leadsom used to be Chief Product Officer of Tesco.
(She once bought some Jaffa Cakes there.)
@maxgadney Such a good description! A+++ would read teaser again.
@MikeForester Journalists too, apparently.
@MikeForester Thanks. Odd that he only talks to one maybe futurist.
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Andrea Leadsom now stands a genuine chance of becoming prime minister of the UK for… *checks her CV*... for the third time.
@YouMeanBlogPost you're completely right