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Links tagged with “webdevelopment”

  1. Jezdez/django_compressor - GitHub

    “Combines and compresses linked and inline Javascript or CSS in a Django templates into cacheable static files by using the compress template tag.” Can work with Sass CSS I believe.

  2. Compass Home | Compass Documentation

    “An open-source CSS Authoring Framework” which uses Sass. There’s always more to learn.

  3. Sass - Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets

    “Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more.” Compiles sass files into CSS files.

  4. Xdissent/ievms - GitHub

    “Automated installation of the Microsoft IE App Compat virtual machines.” So you can test web stuff in IE on your Mac. (via Tom Taylor)

  5. Golden Grid System

    This looks very nice. Making a stretchable grid for web pages, that changes the number of columns depending on the page width. I want to play with this. (via Waxy)

  6. HOWTO Use UTF-8 Throughout Your Web Stack

    A couple of things for future reference. (via Daring Fireball)

  7. Scripting Languages: PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby - Hyperpolyglot

    Handy comparison of features of Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby, for when my brain has trouble switching. (via Kottke)

  8. Pelme/django-compress - GitHub

    Looks good: a tool for automatically (or only when asked) compressing and combining CSS and JavaScript files used on a Django project.

  9. Carbonmade : Your online portfolio.

    Quite fun looking, free portfolio websites.

  10. Django Authentication using an Email Address

    I’ve read a lot of half-thought-through explanations for how to let users of a Django site log in with email address rather than username. This seems to be the only one that covers all the bases. Still, it shouldn’t be this hard.

  11. Comment Challenge plugin

    Apparently is (still) effective at stopping Movable Type comment spam. I feel like I’ve gone back in time several years.

  12. Resetting Your South Migrations

    I was thinking of doing this after a lot of solo early development on a Django project.

  13. How To Run A News Site And Newspaper Using WordPress And Google Docs - 10,000 Words

    Describing how the ‘Bangor Daily News’ (Maine, USA) uses Google Docs and WordPress to publish its website and then send the text to InDesign for laying out the print paper. Includes a list of WP plugins used. (via @benhammersley)

  14. UseTheSource | Newest Jobs

    John Graham-Cumming’s tech job board for Hacker News folk, the name of which I’ll never remember, hence bookmarking it here.

  15. Html2text: THE ASCIINATOR (aka html2txt)

    Turns a web page into Markdown-formatted ASCII. (via Preoccupations)

  16. Kindle typography

    Going to some lengths to make Kindle typography better using JavaScript and CSS.

  17. Difference between geo and coordinates in status - Twitter Development Talk | Google Groups

    Coordinates vs geo vs place in the Twitter API. It’s not good when you have to read email threads to work out how to use a company’s API.

  18. RequireJS

    To help with modularising JavaScript, loading bits asynchronously, managing dependencies, etc. Looks indispensable for large JS projects.

  19. JavaScript Garden

    A good run-through of some of JavaScript’s tricky bits, a lot like Crockford’s ‘JavaScript: The Good Parts’. I still don’t get prototypes etc though. (via Cal)

  20. DataMapper ORM - User Guide

    There seem to be several past versions of this; I think this is the current one. Looks like just what I needed to fill the gaps in CodeIgniter that always left me frustrated with it.

  21. Building a recommendation engine, foursquare style | Foursquare Engineering Blog

    Nice description of how Foursquare developed their tool for recommending places to you in Foursquare v3. (via Tom Taylor)

  22. Balsamiq

    Very nice-seeming Flash-based tool for creating mockups of UIs, userflows, etc.

  23. Performance Calendar » PNG that works

    Everything you need to know about PNGs on the web in one handy, well-explained page. (via Dotcode)

  24. Use Django and jQuery to create a spreadsheet application

    That’s a more interesting guide/demo than “how to make a weblog”. (via Django Weekly)

  25. PHP mcrypt in Snow Leopard with Homebrew

    I’m increasingly finding descriptions of how to do this kind of vaguely impenetrable techy thing which Just Work. Lovely.

  26. Pattern, a Python module for mining web data

    Lovely looking module for grabbing data from a variety of web sources, analysing it, and displaying results in different ways. (via Waxy)

  27. Dancarroll / django-activitysync / source – Bitbucket

    Django app for aggregating activity from different services, currently Twitter, Google Reader and Reddit.

  28. Virtualenv and pip Basics | Jontourage

    Nothing I didn’t already know, but explained simply and clearly, which will be handy if I have to describe this stuff to anyone else.

  29. Programming Amazon EC2 - O’Reilly Media

    This book’s just come out. Anyone read it? Any good? Any other recommendations for getting up to speed with hosting on AWS? Ta.

  30. A List Apart: Articles: A Simpler Page

    A bit about the problems of formatting long-form stuff for different screens, and then his solution, Bibiotype, an HTML/CSS/JS template, which is really gorgeous.

  31. Testing Multiple Versions of IE on One PC - IEBlog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

    Run IE 6, 7, 8 and 9 on one machine by running Windows XP within Windows 7. (via Mildlydiverting)

  32. How did WordPress win?

    Byrne Reese, ex of Six Apart, on why WP has won out over Movable Type. A shame, but then I always start new blog projects in WP these days. (via Waxy)

  33. Isotope

    Blimey, that’s a whizzy bit of jQuery for rearranging things on a page. I’m expecting to see a whole lot of that soon. (via Daring Fireball)

  34. Tank Auth authentication library for CodeIgniter

    It’s been a while since I looked at CodeIgniter. Still no really obvious winner to the “how do I just authenticate people dammit?” question, but this looks like a front-runner.

  35. Little Big Details

    Examples of nice little UI touches. Some a bit obvious but others that are lovely. (via @paulpod)

  36. Implementing a Fixed Position iOS Web Application - Google Mobile Developer Products - Google Code

    Brilliant: how to (a) make page elements fixed on iOS Safari (which doesn’t acknowledge position:fixed, grrrr) and (b) do scrolling with momentum. Gmail in iOS Safari is very swish.

  37. iPad View Source Bookmarklet - Ravelrumba

    What it says. Could be handy. (via Daring Fireball)

  38. From zero to coder hero: Synchronizing django with twitter using django-syncr

    How to fix the out-of-date django-syncr to work with Twitter’s OAuth.

  39. Danfairs/django-syncr at danfairs - GitHub

    What looks like the most active copy of django-syncr around. Dan’s adding stuff to the ‘danfairs’ branch.

  40. Django-syncr - Project Hosting on Google Code

    The “official” django-syncr source, but not updated since December 2008.

  41. Django-syncr: Synchronize Django with the web |

    Introduction to django-syncr, which grabs Twitter, Flickr, Delicious, etc stuff from your accounts to your own Django-powered website.

  42. Staging Servers, Source Control & Deploy Workflows, And Other Stuff Nobody Teaches You: MicroISV on a Shoestring

    Handy description of git and staging/production environments and workflow. In like reading how other people do things. (via mildlydiverting)

  43. URL Design — Warpspire

    Tips for designing URLs, most of which seems like common sense to me, but also some tips re HTML5 Javascript shenanigans. (via Simon Willison)

  44. Coding Horror: So You’d Like to Send Some Email (Through Code)

    Things you should do when sending email via code. (via Daring Fireball)

  45. Kohana: The Swift PHP Framework

    I hadn’t even heard of this before, a PHP framework that originally came from CodeIgniter, now quite different. Sounds good, although the docs don’t look as good as CI’s.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (827)
  2. london (398)
  3. uk (355)
  4. music (304)
  5. mac (189)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (174)
  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
