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2022-12-24 (Saturday)

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  • MikeDrucker’s avatar

    At JFK. Guy behind the counter asks for a volunteer to give up a seat for $500. Nothing. "$550." The crowd suddenly coalesces to shout "HIGHER!" like it was a game show. "$750" "HIGHER! "800!" "NOT IN NEW YORK! GO HIGHER!" They applauded the elderly woman who took it at $1100.

  • suegyford’s avatar

    @rhodri I’d like to #duvetknowitschristmas this year with my old bedroom, including the woodchip we put up c.1980 (the paint colour was called Cameo and I chose it myself), and my old Snoopy lamp. No drum kit but the box of an old keyboard down the side.
    And I honestly love it all ❤️