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  1. Fully connected with foray into network arena

    I’ve been feeling so damned connected this year. Perhaps it’s because I was living so…

  2. You’re only young once or more

    On Saturday two of my best friends were married after nearly ten years of coupledom. Is that a lot?…

  3. The end of the, erm, thingy

    So I was reading this article at McSweeney’s, while our SQL server was rebooting, giving me…

  4. Not enough time to think of an original title

    This networked life thing is fantastic, but it takes so long to just run my life these days. I feel…

  5. Hi

    When I moved to suburban Houston last summer, the cynicism and grumpiness I had nurtured during…

  6. Back in Blighty

    I’m now sat on the train from London to Braintree, a town at the end of a branch line off the…

  7. Clear Lake

    Back in Houston for a few days, just enough time to wash clothes, shop, catch up on a few days of…

  8. Seattle

    Things I didn’t do: visit Fremont or the University District; go on a ferry; get out of the…

  9. San Francisco

    I’d forgotten how tastefully pretty the city is. Going to the same old stores was kind of…

  10. Sunnyvale

    Endless sprawl and strip malls, just like “home” only different. Being driven…

  11. Santa Barbara

    Sun, sea, people, blue skies, distant mountains. Bars, restaurants, shops, trees, cyclists,…

  12. School’s out for, etc.

    No, I’ve really finished all my college work this time. And just in time to head off to the…

  13. Me, me, me

    So, having almost emerged from my week or so of relentless work avoidance* I should be bursting…

  14. Priorities

    I feel bad that I haven’t written in a while. I’ve entered the final two weeks of term…

  15. Dream a little dream

    Do you ever dream about falling in love? An instant text-book case of looking into a…

  16. My new toy

    I know, I owe this site some new words, and I’ve had a swirl of half-ideas drifting back and…

  17. The Dark Ages of Renaissance

    But I had a headache, not quite a wincingly bad one but bad enough that I couldn’t face…

  18. There’s no here here

    Every Friday I travel into downtown Houston to see a movie or two. Since selling my car a few weeks…

  19. Never falling

    Three unsatisfactory analogies for how it feels to watch films like High Fidelity when you’ve…

  20. Blue things, white things, pinky-brownish things

    Yesterday, given that it was a gorgeous and not too humid Houston day, I went for my first open-air…

  21. I can’t stop

    Someone returned to Haddock after weeks off the list. It’s strange how quickly someone you…

  22. It’s a future, kinda.

    So if I write something just after midnight, do I give it the date of “today”, like I…

  23. Diversion

    You’d think I’d got better things to do than be here at 3.30am finishing yet another…

  24. Fuggedaboudit

    I can clutch at straws for years. Long after a spark failed to light, a few well-read emails or…

  25. Jukebox

    Maura wrote about which albums she’d put in a jukebox, and while I hate to appear like I have…