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Links tagged with “history”

  1. Universal Heritage Poster

    A timeline “summarizing 13.7 billion years”. (via Cool Tools)

  2. Timeline of historic inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I like timelines. One day I’ll draw a great big one on a very long wall. (via Kottke)

  3. Historischer Zollsstock

    2,000 years of history on a 2 metre folding timeline. £15 in the National Portrait Gallery shop. I like long-term timelines.

  4. House of Commons, Journal | British History Online

    Going back to 1547 (and House of Lords), could be handy for Pepys. But, annoyingly, very un-guessable URLs for the daily archives. Hmm.

  5. Writers Dreamtools - Decades - 1650

    Guide to what was happening in different fields in consecutive decades through history. Good if you ignore that knowledge changes with geography and social position. (via Kottke)

  6. Maps of War

    Excellent animated map showing who’s inhabited and carved up the Middle East over millennia. (via Haddock)

  7. LRB | Tom Shippey : The Most Learned Man in Europe

    Interesting summary of the history of libraries in Western Europe. (Subscribers only.)

  8. The New York Review of Books: City Lights

    Review of Tristram Hunt’s ‘Building Jerusalem: The Rise and Fall of the Victorian City’. Were things better when wealthy Victorians did things for the plebs? (Subscribers only unfortunately)

  9. Digitally Distributed Environments: London Google Earth 1690

    One day we’ll be able to view reality augmented with what the space looked like centuries ago. Until then, try this Google Earth map overlay. Awesome. (via Haddock)

  10. Economic History Resources - How Much is That? (British Pounds)

    Handily converts the value of money in past years (back to 1264) to 2002 values.

  11. - The Radio Propaganda Sounds

    Some sample wavs/MP3s of the man who broadcast Nazi propaganda in English from Germany during World War II.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (827)
  2. london (398)
  3. uk (355)
  4. music (304)
  5. mac (189)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (174)
  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
