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Links tagged with “blogging”

  1. Daring Fireball: Obsession Times Voice

    This “do the thing that interests you” advice (see also Tim O’Reilly) is all very well, but if you’re interested in lots and lots of things it doesn’t work nearly as well. You get spread too thinly.

  2. The Printed Blog | Home

    A trial of a twice-daily very local newspaper in some US locations using content from blogs. It would be difficult to be any worse than, say, Metro, London Lite, Evening Standard, etc. in London.

  3. Sweetcron - The Automated Lifestream Blog Software

    Self-hosted aggregation of things you do elsewhere on the web. Not convinced about the design of the example. You have to sign up to find out more. Oh well.

  4. ReBlog by Eyebeam R&D

    A way of aggregating RSS feeds and publishing them through weblog software. All a bit vague.

  5. 43 Folders: Time, Attention, and Creative Work | 43 Folders

    This post and a couple of other recent ones by Merlin Mann about his refocusing have been really inspiring. Great stuff. (via Kottke and Daring Fireball)

  6. How Top Bloggers Earn Money

    I’m fascinated by people making decent amounts of money from this stuff, particularly when it happens almost accidentally. (via Daring Fireball)

  7. Guardian Unlimited | Guardian daily comment | Confessions of a virtual virgin

    Newspaperman Roy Greenslade on coming to terms with being a blogger, and what journalists must now accept and learn.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (827)
  2. london (398)
  3. uk (355)
  4. music (304)
  5. mac (189)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (174)
  8. history (161)
  9. maps (159)
  10. css (159)
