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  1. “No input file specified” |

    How to generate 404s when using PHP as a CGI binary. Bodgy, but better than the default.

  2. Peter Maurer - Witch

    Application switcher for Mac that lets you switch between windows, not just applications. Very handy for those of us trying to avoid the mouse. Oodles of options.

  3. Soundstream

    If I used a screensaver… Reacts to sounds it hears through your Mac’s microphone. Only appeared on my PowerBook’s screen, not the external monitor, but still nice.

  4. 3000 miles from home | aram kudurshian’s web site | high priority

    Mac OS X toolbar to-do list manager. For me to remember if I start using iCal’s to do list. (via

  5. BBC - Radio 3 - Mixing It - P J Harvey

    I always forget to listen to Mixing It, but last night I stumbled on this long PJ Harvey session. Yum. Listen Again from /radio3/mixingit/ for the next week.

  6. BBC - Radio 1 - Zane Lowe - Tracklisting - Thursday 16 February 2006

    Fantastic 90 minutes of break-up songs. Be a maudlin teenager all over again. 30 mins into the show, if you can find the Listen Again link. And if you can put up with the appalling Zane Lowe.

  7. BBC - Radio 4 - Today Programme - Interview with Stephen Pound MP (Real Audio .ram file)

    I woke up this morning to hear an MP talking frankly about almost changing his mind over the smoking ban. Glorious, because he sounds like a human being. If only the cabinet sounded like this. (skip forward to 3:15)

  8. Yahoo open up their UI libraries… (

    Links to all Yahoo’s shiny developer things in one handy place for me to never get round to reading.

  9. Flickr: ludd’s photos tagged with barbican

    Old models of the Barbican, a map and a photo of what the Barbican replaced.

  10. Compact

    The Compact’s weblog — see them wrestle with exactly what they’re allowed to buy new and giggle at the optimism: “if our movement grows we could take this country down”.

  11. Thecompact : The Compact

    The Yahoo! Group for the Bay Area people who aren’t buying new stuff in 2006.

  12. Bay Area / Out of the retail rat race / Consumer group doesn’t buy notion that new is better

    The Compact - 50 people who have committed to buy nothing new (“except food, health and safety items and underwear”) in 2006. (via Boing Boing)

  13. Travel Time Tube Map (Built with Processing)

    Not sure how I missed this Tom Carden awesomeness before. Beats other tube maps into cocked hats. (via Haddock)

  14. dBug

    Very handy PHP class for displaying easily comprehensible variable information. Has no doubt been referred to as “var_dump on steroids” by someone. (via Tim/twisty)

  15. Early Retirement

    By Philip Greenspun. One can dream. Two general tips: don’t read news/email in the morning or your brain will fill and you’ll get no work done; and spend more time with other people to increase happiness — computer programming is bad. (via Kottke)

  16. Ogle Earth: Center of Gravity II

    Finding the “centre of gravity” of a number of points in Google Earth. (via Kottke)

  17. The Art of DeTouch

    Widget showing how advertising / publicity photos have been retouched. (via Kottke)

  18. Flickr: HDR

    Some lovely photos using the High Dynamic Range merging image feature thing in Photoshop CS2.

  19. Geograph British Isles - photograph every grid square!

    IS this new or have I just not seen it before? “Aims to collect a geographically representative photograph for every square kilometre of the British Isles.” Lovely. Nice Google Earth integration too. (via Tim/twisty)

  20. Aerial Photographs of Mexico City (English)

    Some amazing photos, particularly the two of low income housing. (via Boing Boing)

  21. ZX Spectrum walkthrough - Google Video

    Wow. All the nostalgia without having to remember how to play the games. (via Yoz, via everyone apparently)

  22. London Centre for Theatre Studies

    Year-long, 40 hours per week (over 4 days) acting course for mature students. Sounds very intense.

  23. Map1.pdf

    Map of the Barbican from Frank Harris estate agents attempting to show the raised walkways. Very misleading in a lot of places however.

  24. The Questors Theatre - Acting at the Questors

    “The largest amateur theatre in Europe”

  25. Improbable Show - DEVOTED AND DISGRUNTLED What are we going to do about theatre?

    A friend enthusiastically told me this was a really good event. Certainly lots of discussion there.

  26. Digitally Distributed Environments: London Google Earth 1690

    One day we’ll be able to view reality augmented with what the space looked like centuries ago. Until then, try this Google Earth map overlay. Awesome. (via Haddock)

  27. Digitally Distributed Environments

    Weblog with, currently, lots of models of London buildings for Google Earth.

  28. Process Recess

    Some gorgeous life drawings on this illustrator’s weblog. (via

  29. Association for Psychological Science: ‘To be or, or … um … line!’

    Actors shouldn’t learn lines by rote, “but feel their character’s intention in reaction to what the other actors do, causing their lines to come spontaneously and naturally”. (via Boing Boing)

  30. SR2005000136_Pay_Grades_Salary_Ranges.pdf

    Ever thought of applying for a BBC job and wondered how much it paid? Here’s your answer, via Freedom of Information (from 2004-5).