Writing tagged Web Development
I’m no good with colours, as you can tell, but here are two simple yet handy things that…
Movable Type time zones
Weblog entries should have their own time zones, rather than be stuck with the weblog’s default that you can never change, even if you move from one continent to another.
HTML is for grown ups
Why HTML is both easy and hard, and two Internet Explorer bugs.
Revamped Haddock Directory
I’ve rewritten and redesigned the Directory. NEW! IMPROVED! STILL GREEN!
Cartographic Congress Show and Tell
Notes from the event — lots of internet mapping, GPS and RDF.
Two reasons to avoid using Safari with Movable Type
If you use Movable Type and Apple’s Safari web browser you should probably read this before you do what I just did.
Geo-encoding UpMyStreet
UpMyStreet is already geo-encoded in a way of course, as almost every page contains specific…
That summer feeling
With British Summer Time looming this weekend I wondered whether I’d need to change the…
Do as Cal says
Cal has a great article about writing robust PHP. Specifically, making it less vulnerable to…
“New!” markers in Movable Type
A method of marking entries or comments as new since a user’s last visit.
Internet Explorer’s font size strangeness
Wondering why Internet Explorer resizes fonts that are specified using ems and percentages very differently.
Changing Movable Type archive URLs
A quick way of changing your Individual archive URLs without breaking links.
Testing font sizes
An attempt to find out how to size my fonts so that everyone can read them.
I’m now available in French!
My ‘Introduction to weblog terms for weblog readers’ has been translated.
BBCi’s accessibility report
The BBC publishes a great report on their own sites’ accessibility. But in the non-accessible format of PDF. Doh!
The best thing about Movable Type 2.6
From the changelog: Changed all visible instances of blog to weblog in the system and in the…
Removing evil image links from Movable Type
How to free your Movable Type screens from those awful menus made out of images.
More weblogging friends and Trackback confusion
More friends start weblogging and why Trackback makes no sense whatsoever.
My x and my y
I’m all geo-encoded now.
Validation tools
Two handy things: Checky, a Mozilla validation plug-in, and Amaya, the W3C’s web browser.
Movable Type is watching me…
Movable Type has become sentient and is magically doing things I’d previously dismissed as too much manual labour.
Six degrees for geeks
What friend-of-a-friend files are, links to places about them, and the automation of social network definition.
I just installed SmartyPants, a little plug-in for Moveable Type that automatically replaces a few…
The same but different
This site’s new server isn’t the only change here. While the site looks much the same…