Writing tagged LISPA
Going to church. And mosque, temple, synagogue…
For our current project we’ve been to look round several religious spaces.
Up, down, up, down
I started the week not even wanting to finish the term, never mind doing another year, and ended back considering it.
Carrying on
Trying to decide whether to carry on at LISPA next year. So many good arguments for and against.
Finishing with animals
Real quick, as I must dash to college shortly. First, LISPA has an open day this coming Monday so,…
Larval masks and animals
We spent a week using larval masks and are now imitating animals, gradually making them human.
Try now, judge later
Thinking that I need to try and evade my tendency to be negative, cynical, sarcastic, etc in order to do as well as I can.
The 57 steps
The end of term two, and our project was “the 57 steps” which, eventually, went well.
Move the music
LISPA hasn’t been all frustrations this term, so here are some good things.
Standing stock still
The first half of the second term has left me bemused, as everyone else happily interprets colour and paintings.
End of the first term
I feel like I owe an end of term post about the acting classes, which finished just over a week ago, so, a quick summary.
The fundamental journey
Our large group presentation went surprisingly well. We’ve also been spending a lot of time in neutral masks working on representing a long journey.
Working in large groups
The frustrations of getting a large group of people working together efficiently.
Creation groups
Although last week’s creation group was frustrating, it all ended OK in Monday’s performance. Now we’ve got a more challenging task, as a single large group.
Not feeling it
Getting more frustrated and annoyed with myself, and feeling a bit out of it.
Masks, tension and being upside down
Our first encounter with masks, the first three levels of tension, and my inability to do headstands and backward rolls.
Week two
Any hope I had of maintaining a decent frequency of tediously detailed writing about my LISPA…
Deference and diffidence
In today’s improvisation class we had a task that was both minimal but also tricky and very…
Forward rolls
I haven’t done a forward roll for nearly twenty years, and couldn’t do it well then. I managed it, but only just.
First two days
The timetable, the students, realising that I’m going to be doing this every day for a while.
I’m going to drama school
In a few months I’m going to start at LISPA (London International School of Performing Arts), pretty much full time. Blimey.