Index of papers Phil Gyford: web | email
Fall 1999
Futures Methods I
  Questionnaire Report   PDF version   1999-12-01

[ Sample | Summary | Voting | Access | Devices | Sites | Companies | Conclusion | Appendix ]

Popular Sites

7. Of the top twenty most trafficked sites (at MediaMetrix) which do you think will still be in the top twenty in 2010?
Question 7

(Click graph to see larger version.)

Support for sites varied widely, but only (63%), (57%), (58%) and (74%) were supported by more than half the respondents. Those with the least chance of surviving were (3%), (3%) and (5%).

The largest differences between British and American views were (39% UK, 79% USA), which is understandable given the differences between the two ISP markets, and (10% UK, 31% USA). Americans seemed slightly more optimistic about the chances of sites surviving to 2010's top twenty, giving 5.4 votes out of twenty compared to 4.8 for those in the UK.

Question 8 asked respondents to name up to ten other sites they thought would be in the top twenty in 2010. Many people didn't give any answers for this open-ended question, and there is little to be gleaned from the information (for the full list see the Appendix). However, two sites were mentioned more than twice: the BBC (7 nominations) and Google (4). All but one of the BBC's nominations came from the UK (18% of total UK respondents, or 50% of those who gave answers for this question).


[ Sample | Summary | Voting | Access | Devices | Sites | Companies | Conclusion | Appendix ]

Index of papers Phil Gyford: web | email