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Links tagged with “security”

  1. What I Learned Trying To Secure Congressional Campaigns (Idle Words)

    Entertaining and interesting. “You will fare especially badly if you have written an app to fix politics.” (via @gwire)

  2. Best VPN Services 2017 Has to Offer (+ Reviews) -

    Looks like a good review of which VPNs to choose. They *sound* unbiased… (via Brett Terpstra)

  3. trailofbits/algo: Set up a personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud

    Another self-hosted VPN server, which they say is better than Streisand.

  4. Sharing some process from IF – Writing by IF – Medium

    A handy list of things to do to secure your Mac, iPhone, email, etc. (via Favejet)

  5. jlund/streisand: Streisand sets up a new server running L2TP/IPsec, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, and a Tor bridge

    “It also generates custom configuration instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists.”

  6. NSA-proof your e-mail in 2 hours | Sealed Abstract

    Interesting. I’m also increasingly fascinated by the breadth of knowledge about technical things. For example, this is a very hand-holding, step-by-step guide and yet it assumes “you kinda-sorta know how to configure a secure server.” This is for a minuscule percentage of people.

  7. My speech to the IAAC | Ben Hammersley’s Dangerous Precedent

    Ben’s speech to the UK’s Information Assurance Advisory Council on how the world has and is changing, how two generations see it differently, and what it means for security.

  8. Hidden - Apple Mac theft recovery for just $20

    Annoyingly lower-cased, but sounds good, and cheap. (via Preoccupations)

  9. Simon Jenkins: Here’s proof. The innocent do have something to fear | Comment is free | The Guardian

    “One of the few home secretaries who dominated his department rather than be cowed by it was Lord Whitelaw in the 1980s. He boasted how after any security lapse, the police would come to beg for new and draconian powers. He laughed and sent them packing…” (via Preoccupations)

  10. Internet records to be stored for a year - Telegraph

    Another day another invasion of privacy. Hard to believe this stuff. I should start tagging these things. #fuckingupthecountry? (via Infovore)

  11. Witopia :: Welcome

    VPNs, about $40-60 per year. I’m considering one to avoid my ISP logging all my activity, and people on open wifi networks snooping. Bonus: A US IP address = access to Hulu. (via Ian Betteridge on Twitter)

  12. Chris Heathcote: anti-mega: the kids are alright

    And while I’m at it, Chris’s post from a few weeks back. What kind of country are we living in now? We’ll need someone to invade the UK and “liberate” us soon.

  13. London cops reach new heights of anti-terror poster stupidity - Boing Boing

    It’s hard to believe these posters aren’t some kind of parody. And it’s hard to react without using clichés (1984, Orwellian, etc).

  14. The Atlantic Online | November 2008 | The Things He Carried | Jeffrey Goldberg

    Describing how easy it is to get stuff past US airline security. “Security theatre”: it’s all just for show. (via everywhere)

  15. Innocent in London

    Fascinating and scary account of being arrested for acting very slightly suspiciously. I don’t want to go out.

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