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Links tagged with “photographs”

  1. Wilder Mann | Charles Fréger

    Photos of people across Europe as “the savage as it survives in local popular traditions”. Fascinating, and also I might have nightmares tonight.

  2. The Visual Science Lab / Kirk: Walking around S. Congress Avenue today reveling in the sub-90° weather.

    I always enjoy his Austin photos, and this set gave me major nostalgia for distant visits to South Congress during SXSW.

  3. Barbican centre construction 1970s | Flickr

    91 colour photos! Beech street before it was covered! Cut-away below-podium views! Gardens without plants! Views across London from the towers! Donkey jackets! Brilliant.

  4. Atlas Minor • Fireworks

    What a great photo, and a lovely paragraph that echoes my mind at the moment.

  5. Photo Essay: 100 Years That Changed Houston | Houstonia Magazine

    I enjoyed these photos of people in Houston. (via Things Magazine)

  6. ‘Everything is at its lowest point of energy’ - awful mass

    I like these “uninteresting photographs”, the discussion of what makes for an uninteresting photograph, the search terms used to find them, etc.

  7. What’s the Opposite of a Cellphone Photo? - The New York Times

    Lovely portraits in a park by Bruce Polin. (via The Online Photographer)

  8. Portraits - Washington DC Photographer Stephen Voss

    I love some of these. A nice reminder that “portraits” don’t have to be headshots. (via The Online Photographer)

  9. Cody Cobb

    Lovely landscape photography. (via The Online Photographer)

  10. chris dorley-brown

    Some lovely photos of mostly east London. Good colours and more. (via The Online Photographer)

  11. Light, landscape, lives, Kate Kirkwood

    Really lovely photos from the Lake District. Simple but gorgeous. (via The Online Photographer)

  12. My Life in the Bush of Ghosts: WATCH

    Photos from Eno and Byrne’s 1981(?) recording session. (via The Online Photographer)

  13. Kiev’s fatigue

    Really good photos of people in Kiev. Maybe taken before the recent fighting. Just waiting, tired. (via The Online Photographer)

  14. Time travel on Behance

    I rather like these, the artist inserting herself taking a photo into old photos. (via Kottke)

  15. HINT.FM: The Art Of Reproduction

    I like this idea - making a famous image out of a mosaic of different versions of it found online - but i hate that needless faux-3D tiled effect. Odd. (via The Online Photographer)

  16. Leningrad Siege: Now and Then | English Russia

    Very simple, a blending of old and new photos, but very effective.

  17. Essex Fingerposts - a set on Flickr

    Lovely set of familiar signposts. (via Paul Mison)

  18. John C.H. Grabill’s Photos of Western Frontier Life | Plog — World news photography, Photos — The Denver Post

    Lots of photos of late 19th century America, centered on the town of Deadwood. Some lovely images there. (via The Online Photographer)

  19. Flickr: Elspeth and Evan’s stuff tagged with digitalcollage

    These are very interesting, although they don’t feel like they’re quite there. It’s almost a shame that they’re based on existing photos (and that a lot are naken women (ooh, Art!)). It feels like it’s close to something though. (via Kottke)

  20. The Sweeney Forum • View topic - London Wall

    Stills from films/shows like ‘Blow Up’, ‘The Italian Job’ and ‘The Return of the Saint’ featuring London Wall and Barbican highwalks, compared with photos from 2010.

  21. Chapter 10 - Examples (from Digital Restoration 1st-ed) (PDF)

    Fascinating, close to magic. Second edition of the book is out now and I’d love to do this kind of thing. You know, if I managed to double my available time.

  22. CR Blog » Blog Archive » The Disappearing World of Soho’s Independent Record Shops

    I was on Berwick St the other day, but didn’t go down far enough to see the demolition opposite Somerfield. I so hope they hang on, but then I buy MP3s over CDs whenever I can, so… (via Alan Connor)

  23. Color Wars 2008 » Youngme / Nowme

    People submit a photo of themselves as a child, alongside a photo of themself today in the same pose. Some of these are awesome. Whole lives in two photos. Time travel. Hope.

  24. Bristol Then and Now Photographs - Page One

    Lots of animated images with photos of past and (nearly) present Bristol. A shame more of them don’t line up better, but still interesting.

  25. Enid Crow Disasters

    Nice Cindy Sherman-esque self portrait photography of characters witnessing disasters. (via Haddock)

  26. Old Walton Pictures Index

    Loads and loads of old photos of Walton-on-Naze, where I often go on holiday.

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  1. webdevelopment (834)
  2. london (399)
  3. uk (357)
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  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. css (161)
  10. maps (159)
