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Links tagged with “davidsimon”

  1. David Simon - Vice Magazine

    Once you’re past the interviewer’s introduction, this is good, aside from being split over several pages. Grr. Particularly liked the explanation of the Ancient Greek vs Shakespearean difference between The Wire and most other TV/film.

  2. The Believer - Interview with David Simon

    Creator-Writer-Producer of ‘The Wire’ interviewed by Nick Hornby. (via Kottke)

  3. Profiles: Stealing Life: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker

    Long article about ‘The Wire,’ the show which is so good it ruins all other TV for you. (via Kottke)

  4. Interviewing the man behind The Wire. - By Meghan O’Rourke - Slate Magazine

    Interesting interview. Sees the show “as a 66-hour movie” and “a Greek tragedy, but instead of the gods being petulant and jealous Olympians hurling lightning bolts down at our protagonists, it’s the Postmodern institutions that are the gods” (via Kottke)

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