Wonderland: Left4Dead2 preview

This kind of thing doesn’t usually bother me hugely (cos I is a man and am insensitive to such issues) but why does the sequel not have a cast more like three women and one man?

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23 Oct 2009 in Photos

23 Oct 2009 at Twitter

  • 10:30pm: @phl Ooh, thanks ta. Instapapered!
  • 8:10pm: It takes me a week to get through a single American Football game. Still in the 3rd quarter of Sunday night's Bears v Falcons.
  • 5:11pm: Just realised it's the weekend. Is anyone anywhere, near here?
  • 4:23pm: Thanks IE, I know you're trying, but after a day of me trying to fix that one bug, you starting to work for no reason doesn't help. #shutup
  • 2:30pm: John Ellison - 'Lost the Will to Live' #internetexplorerthemetunes
  • 12:27pm: Come ON Internet Explorer. Would it be SO hard to give your Javascript error messages a useful line number? Could you BE more worthless?
  • 9:57am: @tomskitomski Re Twitter echo chamber... should be an option on Twitter clients to intersperse your friends' tweets with those of strangers.

On this day I was reading