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2020-02-18 (Tuesday)


  1. Listen to your web pages

    “Copy this into the console of any web page that is interactive and doesn’t do hard reloads. You will hear your DOM changes as different pitches of audio.” Lovely. (via Cal Henderson)


  • philgyford’s avatar

    @aden_76 Thank you :)

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @adrianhon Yeah, I guess it's a balance between making it simple and not showing ALL THE DATA.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @adrianhon I thought they did, as they have maps? …… Or maybe I've misunderstood?

  • philgyford’s avatar

    This is great, doing good things, with nice people, and they're hiring (in London)!…

  • philgyford’s avatar

    It's pretty amazing that (a) I can see charts of the levels of different rivers around the country and (b) that they're on such nice, clear, consistent government pages. Who'd have thought [mumble] years ago? Well done, whoever. …

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @ukglo I saw someone else the other day (I forget who) who set up an account for a fun twitter bot and did exactly the same thing, also getting locked out. I wonder how often that's happened.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @picklesvat A man's gotta have a hobby.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    What is Docker doing when it's using around 200% of CPU and I'm not even running anything on it? It had better be something incredibly worthwhile.